Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity
Namespace: Crm.Sales
Inherited From: General.Documents.Documents
Sales order document headers. Entity: Crm_Sales_Orders
Default Visualization
Default Display Text Format:
{DocumentType.TypeName:T} {DocumentNo}{StateTagsAttribute}
Default Search Members:
Code Data Member:
Category: Documents
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Layout category attribute: DocumentTypeId
Track Changes
Min level: 0 - Do not track changes
Max level: 4 - Track object attribute and blob changes
An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit.
Aggregate Tree
- Crm.Sales.SalesOrders
- Crm.Sales.SalesOrderLines
- Crm.Sales.SalesOrderPaymentPlans
- Crm.Sales.SalesOrderPromotionalPackages
- General.Documents.DocumentAmounts
- General.Documents.DocumentComments
- General.Documents.DocumentDistributedAmounts
- General.Documents.DocumentFileAttachments
- General.Documents.DocumentFulfillments
- General.Documents.DocumentLineAmounts
- General.Documents.DocumentParties
- General.Documents.DocumentPrints
- General.Documents.DocumentStateChanges
Name | Type | Description |
AdjustmentNumber | int32 | Consecutive number of the correction that this document is applying to the adjusted document. Required Default(0) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
AdjustmentTime | datetime nullable | Date/time when the document last has been adjusted by corrective document. Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
AdjustmentUser | string (64) nullable | The user who adjusted the document. ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
CompleteTime | datetime nullable | Date and time when the document was completed (State set to Completed). Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
CreationTime | datetime | Date/Time when the document was created. Required Default(Now) Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
CreationUser | string (64) | The login name of the user, who created the document. Required Filter(like) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
CreditLimitOverride | boolean | Allows the sales order to be released even in the case of violations of credit limit or presence of overdue receivables. Required Default(false) Filter(eq) |
CustomerPurchaseOrderDate | date nullable | Issue date of the referent customer purchase order. Filter(ge;le) |
CustomerPurchaseOrderNo | string (20) nullable | Reference number of the customer's purchase order. Filter(eq;like) ORD |
DeliveryTermsCode | DeliveryTerms nullable | Mode of delivery, like CIF, FOB, etc. Used also in Intrastat reporting. |
DisplayText | string | Uses the repository DisplayTextFormat to build the display text from the attributes and references of current object. |
DocumentDate | date | The date on which the document was issued. Required Default(Today) Filter(eq;ge;le) ORD (Inherited from Documents) |
DocumentNo | string (20) | Document number, unique within Document_Type_Id. Required Filter(eq;like) ORD (Inherited from Documents) |
DocumentNotes | string (max) nullable | Notes for this Document. (Inherited from Documents) |
DocumentVersion | int32 | Consecutive version number, starting with 1. Each update produces a new version of the document. Required Default(1) Filter(eq;ge;le) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
EntityName | string (64) | The entity name of the document header. Required Filter(eq) ORD ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
FiscalSalesNumber | string (32) nullable | Unique number of the sale, assigned for fiscal reporting purposes. The format is according to the applicable legislation. null means that there is no requirement for fiscal sales number for this document or it is unknown. Filter(multi eq;like) ReadOnly Introduced in version 19.1 |
FromDate | date nullable | When selling a service valid only for a period, denotes the beginning of the period. null means that it is unknown or N/A. Filter(ge;le) Introduced in version 20.1 |
Id | guid | |
IntrastatTransaction NatureCode |
TransactionNature nullable | Transaction nature; used for Intrastat reporting. |
IntrastatTransportModeCode | TransportMode nullable | Transport mode; used for Intrastat reporting. |
boolean | OBSOLETE! Do not use! True if the document is not void and its state is released or greater. Deprecated. Obsolete Required Default(false) Filter(eq) ReadOnly Obsoleted in version |
IsSingleExecution | boolean | Specifies whether the document is a single execution of its order document. Required Default(false) Filter(eq) ReadOnly |
IsValidField | boolean | True when the order is valid (e.g. released and not void). Used for internal processing. Required Default(false) ReadOnly |
string (254) nullable | OBSOLETE! Do not use! Notes for this SalesOrder. Obsolete Obsoleted in version |
ObjectVersion | int32 | The latest version of the extensible data object for the aggregate root for the time the object is loaded from the database. Can be used for optimistic locking. |
ParentDocument RelationshipType |
ParentDocument RelationshipType nullable |
Type of relationship between the current document and the parent document(s). Affects the constraints for execution/completion for the documents. Possible values: 'S' = 'Subtask', 'N' = 'Next task'. ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
PaymentDueDate | datetime nullable | The last term for the payment of the sales order. Filter(ge;le) |
PaymentDueStartDate | datetime nullable | The date when the payment becomes due for documents with one installment. null when the document is with multiple installments. Filter(ge;le) |
PlanningOnly | boolean | Indicates that the document is used only for planning (and as consequence its state cannot be greater than Planned). Required Default(false) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
ReadOnly | boolean | True - the document is read only; false - the document is not read only. Required Default(false) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
ReferenceDate | datetime nullable | Indicates the date, when the event, described by the document, actually occurred. Generally, the document should be created at the date of the event. However, if the document is created later than the event, this field contains the date of the actual event. If the field is empty, this means that the document was created at the date of the actual event and Document Date is indicative of the date of the event. Contrast this with CreationTime, which indicates when the document was entered into the system. So, generally: Reference Date <= DocumentDate <= CreationTime. Default(Today) Filter(ge;le) (Inherited from Documents) |
ReferenceDocumentNo | string (20) nullable | The number of the document (issued by the other party), which was the reason for the creation of the current document. The number should be unique within the party documents. Filter(eq;like) (Inherited from Documents) |
ReleaseTime | datetime nullable | Date and time when the document was released (State set to Released). Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
RequiredDeliveryDate | date nullable | The required delivery date for all lines in the sales order. Initially calculated, based on either the Ship To Customer or Customer delivery term. Filter(ge;le) |
State | DocumentState | The current system state of the document. Allowed values: 0=New;5=Corrective;10=Computer Planned;20=Human Planned;30=Released;40=Completed;50=Closed. Required Default(0) Filter(multi eq;ge;le) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
StateTagsAttribute | string | Specifies the state of the document. |
ToDate | date nullable | When selling a service valid only for a period, denotes the end of the period. null means that it is unknown or N/A. Filter(ge;le) Introduced in version 20.1 |
Void | boolean | True if the document is null and void. Required Default(false) Filter(eq) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
VoidReason | string (254) nullable | Reason for voiding the document, entered by the user. ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
VoidTime | datetime nullable | Date/time when the document has become void. Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
VoidUser | string (64) nullable | The user who voided the document. ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
Name | Type | Description |
AccessKey | AccessKeys (nullable) | The access key, containing the user permissions for this document. null means that all users have unlimited permissions. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
AdjustedDocument | Documents (nullable) | The primary document, which the current document adjusts. null when this is not an adjustment document. Filter(multi eq) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
AssignedToUser | Users (nullable) | The user to which this document is assigned for handling. null means that the document is not assigned to specific user. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
CurrencyDirectory | CurrencyDirectories (nullable) | The currency directory, containing all the convertion rates, used by the document. null means that the document does not need currency convertions. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
Customer | Customers | The primary customer, which placed the sales order. Required Filter(multi eq) |
Deal | Deals (nullable) | The opportunity (deal) on which this order is based. Filter(multi eq) |
Dealer | Dealers (nullable) | The external dealer, associated with the sales order. Filter(multi eq) |
DealType | DealTypes (nullable) | Deal type to be passed to the invoice. If deal type in entered then the invoice creates VAT entry for this deal type. Filter(multi eq) |
DistributionChannel | DistributionChannels (nullable) | The distribution channel, that is used to deliver the products. Filter(multi eq) |
DocumentCurrency | Currencies | The currency of the document; e.g. the currency of the amounts in the document. Required Filter(multi eq) |
DocumentType | DocumentTypes | The user defined type of the document. Determines document behaviour, properties, additional amounts, validation, generations, etc. Required Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
EndCustomerParty | Parties (nullable) | The end customer is the customer of the dealer. It is stored for information purposes only. The end customer may not have customer definition; any party can be used. Filter(multi eq) Introduced in version 20.1 |
EnterpriseCompany | EnterpriseCompanies | The enterprise company which issued the document. Required Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
EnterpriseCompanyLocation | CompanyLocations (nullable) | The enterprise company location which issued the document. null means that there is only one location within the enterprise company and locations are not used. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
FiscalPrinterPosDevice | Devices (nullable) | For POS sales, specifies the fiscal printer. null when the sales is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq) Introduced in version 19.1 |
FromCompanyDivision | CompanyDivisions (nullable) | The division of the company, issuing the document. null when the document is not issued by any specific division. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
FromParty | Parties | The party which issued the document. Required Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
IntrastatTransportCountry | Countries (nullable) | Country of origin of the transport company; used for Intrastat reporting. Filter(multi eq) |
MasterDocument | Documents | In a multi-document tree, this is the root document, that created the whole tree. If this is the root it is equal to Id. Required Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
Parent | Documents (nullable) | In a multi-document tree, this is the direct parent document. If this is the root it is null. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
PaymentAccount | PaymentAccounts (nullable) | When not null, the payment account, where the payment is expected. null=no expectation for account. Filter(multi eq) |
PaymentType | PaymentTypes (nullable) | When not null specifies the payment type for the sales order. Filter(multi eq) |
PosLocation | Locations (nullable) | For POS sales, specifies the POS location, in which the sale is performed. null when the sales is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq) Introduced in version 19.1 |
PosOperator | Operators (nullable) | For POS sales, specifies the POS operator, who created the sale. null when the sale is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq) Introduced in version 19.1 |
PosTerminal | Terminals (nullable) | For POS sales, specifies the POS terminal, on which the sale is entered. null when the sales is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq) Introduced in version 19.1 |
PriceList | PriceLists (nullable) | The price list to be used for determining product prices in the lines. Filter(multi eq) |
PrimeCauseDocument | Documents (nullable) | The document that is the prime cause for creation of the current document. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
ResponsiblePerson | Persons (nullable) | The person that is responsible for this order or transaction. It could be the sales person, the orderer, etc. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
ReturnForInvoice | Invoices (nullable) | When specified indicates that some of the goods sold in the sales orders invoiced with Return_For_Invoice_Id are returned with the current document. Filter(multi eq) |
ReturnForSalesOrder | SalesOrders (nullable) | When specified indicates that some of the goods sold in Return_For_Sales_Order_Id are returned with the current document. Filter(multi eq;like) |
ReverseOfDocument | Documents (nullable) | The document which the current document is reverse of. Filter(multi eq) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
SalesPerson | SalesPersons (nullable) | Internal company sales person. Filter(multi eq) |
Sequence | Sequences (nullable) | The sequence that will be used to give new numbers to the documents of this type. Filter(multi eq) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
ShipToCustomer | Customers (nullable) | The customer to whom to ship the sales order. Usually it is a customer entry for a sub-party of the primary customer. Filter(multi eq) |
ShipToPartyContact Mechanism |
PartyContactMechanisms (nullable) | The contact mechanism (address) to whih to ship the sales order. Filter(multi eq) |
Store | Stores (nullable) | The store from which to issue the sales order. null means that there is no store associated with the sales order or there are different stores for some of the lines. Filter(multi eq) |
ToCompanyDivision | CompanyDivisions (nullable) | The division of the company, receiving the document. null when the document is not received by any specific division. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
ToParty | Parties (nullable) | The party which should receive the document. Filter(multi eq) (Inherited from Documents) |
UserStatus | DocumentTypeUserStatuses (nullable) | The user status of this document if applicable for this document type. null means unknown or not yet set. Filter(multi eq) ReadOnly (Inherited from Documents) |
Child Collections
Name | Type | Description |
Comments | DocumentComments | List of DocumentComment ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentComment.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
DistributedAmounts | DocumentDistributedAmounts | List of DocumentDistributed<br />Amount ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentDistributedAmount.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
DocumentAmounts | DocumentAmounts | List of DocumentAmount ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentAmount.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
FileAttachments | DocumentFileAttachments | List of DocumentFileAttachment ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentFileAttachment.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
Fulfillments | DocumentFulfillments | List of DocumentFulfillment ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentFulfillment.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
LineAmounts | DocumentLineAmounts | List of DocumentLineAmount ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentLineAmount.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
Lines | SalesOrderLines | List of SalesOrderLine ( child objects, based on the Crm.Sales.SalesOrderLine.SalesOrder ( back reference |
Parties | DocumentParties | List of DocumentParty ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentParty.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
PaymentPlans | SalesOrderPaymentPlans | List of SalesOrderPaymentPlan ( child objects, based on the Crm.Sales.SalesOrderPaymentPlan.SalesOrder ( back reference |
Prints | DocumentPrints | List of DocumentPrint ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentPrint.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
PromotionalPackages | SalesOrderPromotionalPackages | List of SalesOrderPromotional<br />Package ( child objects, based on the Crm.Sales.SalesOrderPromotional<br />Package.SalesOrder ( back reference |
StateChanges | DocumentStateChanges | List of DocumentStateChange ( child objects, based on the General.Documents.DocumentStateChange.Document ( back reference (Inherited from Documents) |
Attribute Details
Consecutive number of the correction that this document is applying to the adjusted document. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: int32
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: 0
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Date/time when the document last has been adjusted by corrective document. Filter(ge;le)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The user who adjusted the document. ReadOnly
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (64) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Date and time when the document was completed (State set to Completed). Filter(ge;le)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Date/Time when the document was created. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: datetime
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: CurrentDateTime
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The login name of the user, who created the document. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (64)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Allows the sales order to be released even in the case of violations of credit limit or presence of overdue receivables. Required
Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Issue date of the referent customer purchase order. Filter(ge;le)
Type: date nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Reference number of the customer's purchase order. Filter(eq;like)
Type: string (20) nullable
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: True
Maximum Length: 20
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Mode of delivery, like CIF, FOB, etc. Used also in Intrastat reporting.
Type: DeliveryTerms nullable
Category: System
Generic enum type for DeliveryTerms properties
Allowed Values (Finance.Intrastat.DeliveryTerms Enum Members)
Value | Description |
ExWorks | ExWorks value. Stored as 'EXW'. Database Value: 'EXW' Model Value: 0 Domain API Value: 'ExWorks' |
FrancoCarrier | FrancoCarrier value. Stored as 'FCA'. Database Value: 'FCA' Model Value: 1 Domain API Value: 'FrancoCarrier' |
FreeAlongsideShip | FreeAlongsideShip value. Stored as 'FAS'. Database Value: 'FAS' Model Value: 2 Domain API Value: 'FreeAlongsideShip' |
FreeOnBoard | FreeOnBoard value. Stored as 'FOB'. Database Value: 'FOB' Model Value: 3 Domain API Value: 'FreeOnBoard' |
CostAndFreightCF | CostAndFreightCF value. Stored as 'CFR'. Database Value: 'CFR' Model Value: 4 Domain API Value: 'CostAndFreightCF' |
CostInsuranceAndFreight | CostInsuranceAndFreight value. Stored as 'CIF'. Database Value: 'CIF' Model Value: 5 Domain API Value: 'CostInsuranceAndFreight' |
CarriagePaidTo | CarriagePaidTo value. Stored as 'CPT'. Database Value: 'CPT' Model Value: 6 Domain API Value: 'CarriagePaidTo' |
CarriageAndInsurancePaidTo | CarriageAndInsurancePaidTo value. Stored as 'CIP'. Database Value: 'CIP' Model Value: 7 Domain API Value: 'CarriageAndInsurancePaidTo' |
DeliveredAtPlace | DeliveredAtPlace value. Stored as 'DAP'. Database Value: 'DAP' Model Value: 8 Domain API Value: 'DeliveredAtPlace' |
DeliveredAtTerminal | DeliveredAtTerminal value. Stored as 'DAT'. Database Value: 'DAT' Model Value: 9 Domain API Value: 'DeliveredAtTerminal' |
DeliveredDutyPaid | DeliveredDutyPaid value. Stored as 'DDP'. Database Value: 'DDP' Model Value: 10 Domain API Value: 'DeliveredDutyPaid' |
DeliveredAtPlaceUnloaded | DeliveredAtPlaceUnloaded value. Stored as 'DPU'. Database Value: 'DPU' Model Value: 11 Domain API Value: 'DeliveredAtPlaceUnloaded' |
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => SalesOrderLinesRepository.DeliveryTermsCodeAttribute.GetUntypedValue( c, False)).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
Uses the repository DisplayTextFormat to build the display text from the attributes and references of current object.
Type: string
Category: Calculated Attributes
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: ****
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The date on which the document was issued. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: date
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Default Value: CurrentDate
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Document number, unique within Document_Type_Id. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (20)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: True
Maximum Length: 20
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Notes for this Document. (Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (max) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 2147483647
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Consecutive version number, starting with 1. Each update produces a new version of the document. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: int32
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: 1
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The entity name of the document header. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (64)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: True
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: CannotBeShown
Unique number of the sale, assigned for fiscal reporting purposes. The format is according to the applicable legislation. null means that there is no requirement for fiscal sales number for this document or it is unknown. Filter(multi eq;like)
Introduced in version 19.1
Type: string (32) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like, EqualsIn
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 32
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
When selling a service valid only for a period, denotes the beginning of the period. null means that it is unknown or N/A. Filter(ge;le)
Introduced in version 20.1
Type: date nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => SalesOrderLinesRepository.LineFromDateAttribute.GetUntypedValue( c, False)).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
Type: guid
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Default Value: NewGuid
Show in UI: CannotBeShown
Transaction nature; used for Intrastat reporting.
Type: TransactionNature nullable
Category: System
Generic enum type for TransactionNature properties
Allowed Values (Finance.Intrastat.TransactionNature Enum Members)
Value | Description |
OutrightPurchaseOrSale | OutrightPurchaseOrSale value. Stored as '11'. Database Value: '11' Model Value: 0 Domain API Value: 'OutrightPurchaseOrSale' |
SupplyForSale | SupplyForSale value. Stored as '12'. Database Value: '12' Model Value: 1 Domain API Value: 'SupplyForSale' |
BarterTrade | BarterTrade value. Stored as '13'. Database Value: '13' Model Value: 2 Domain API Value: 'BarterTrade' |
FinancialLeasing | FinancialLeasing value. Stored as '14'. Database Value: '14' Model Value: 3 Domain API Value: 'FinancialLeasing' |
OtherTransactions | OtherTransactions value. Stored as '19'. Database Value: '19' Model Value: 4 Domain API Value: 'OtherTransactions' |
ReturnStokilizing | ReturnStokilizing value. Stored as '21'. Database Value: '21' Model Value: 5 Domain API Value: 'ReturnStokilizing' |
ReplacementFor ReturnedGoods |
ReplacementFor ReturnedGoods value. Stored as '22'. Database Value: '22' Model Value: 6 Domain API Value: 'ReplacementFor ReturnedGoods' |
ReplacementOfGoods NotBeingReturned |
ReplacementOfGoods NotBeingReturned value. Stored as '23'. Database Value: '23' Model Value: 7 Domain API Value: 'ReplacementOfGoods NotBeingReturned' |
ReturnOrExchange OfOtherGoods |
ReturnOrExchange OfOtherGoods value. Stored as '29'. Database Value: '29' Model Value: 8 Domain API Value: 'ReturnOrExchange OfOtherGoods' |
SpecificTransactions | SpecificTransactions value. Stored as '60'. Database Value: '60' Model Value: 9 Domain API Value: 'SpecificTransactions' |
OperationsOnJointProjects | OperationsOnJointProjects value. Stored as '70'. Database Value: '70' Model Value: 10 Domain API Value: 'OperationsOnJointProjects' |
TransactionsOf ConstructionMaterials AndEquipment |
TransactionsOf ConstructionMaterials AndEquipment value. Stored as '80'. Database Value: '80' Model Value: 11 Domain API Value: 'TransactionsOf ConstructionMaterials AndEquipment' |
OtherTransactionsLeasing | OtherTransactionsLeasing value. Stored as '91'. Database Value: '91' Model Value: 12 Domain API Value: 'OtherTransactionsLeasing' |
OtherTransactionsOther | OtherTransactionsOther value. Stored as '99'. Database Value: '99' Model Value: 13 Domain API Value: 'OtherTransactionsOther' |
DealsThatInclude PropertyTransfers WithoutFinancial CompensationOr CompensationIn Kind |
DealsThatInclude PropertyTransfers WithoutFinancial CompensationOr CompensationIn Kind value. Stored as '30'. Database Value: '30' Model Value: 14 Domain API Value: 'DealsThatInclude PropertyTransfers WithoutFinancial CompensationOr CompensationIn Kind' |
GoodsThatAreExpected ToBeReturnedTo Sender |
GoodsThatAreExpected ToBeReturnedTo Sender value. Stored as '41'. Database Value: '41' Model Value: 15 Domain API Value: 'GoodsThatAreExpected ToBeReturnedTo Sender' |
GoodsThatAreNot ExpectedToBeReturned ToSender |
GoodsThatAreNot ExpectedToBeReturned ToSender value. Stored as '42'. Database Value: '42' Model Value: 16 Domain API Value: 'GoodsThatAreNot ExpectedToBeReturned ToSender' |
GoodsThatAreReturned ToSender |
GoodsThatAreReturned ToSender value. Stored as '51'. Database Value: '51' Model Value: 17 Domain API Value: 'GoodsThatAreReturned ToSender' |
GoodsThatAreNot ReturnedToSender |
GoodsThatAreNot ReturnedToSender value. Stored as '52'. Database Value: '52' Model Value: 18 Domain API Value: 'GoodsThatAreNot ReturnedToSender' |
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => SalesOrderLinesRepository.IntrastatTransactionNatureCodeAttribute.GetUntypedValue( c, False)).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
Transport mode; used for Intrastat reporting.
Type: TransportMode nullable
Category: System
Generic enum type for TransportMode properties
Allowed Values (Finance.Intrastat.TransportMode Enum Members)
Value | Description |
Shipping | Shipping value. Stored as '1'. Database Value: '1' Model Value: 0 Domain API Value: 'Shipping' |
RailwayTransport | RailwayTransport value. Stored as '2'. Database Value: '2' Model Value: 1 Domain API Value: 'RailwayTransport' |
RoadTransport | RoadTransport value. Stored as '3'. Database Value: '3' Model Value: 2 Domain API Value: 'RoadTransport' |
AirTransport | AirTransport value. Stored as '4'. Database Value: '4' Model Value: 3 Domain API Value: 'AirTransport' |
Mail value. Stored as '5'. Database Value: '5' Model Value: 4 Domain API Value: 'Mail' |
FixedTransport Installations |
FixedTransport Installations value. Stored as '7'. Database Value: '7' Model Value: 5 Domain API Value: 'FixedTransport Installations' |
RiverTransport | RiverTransport value. Stored as '8'. Database Value: '8' Model Value: 6 Domain API Value: 'RiverTransport' |
SelfPropelled | SelfPropelled value. Stored as '9'. Database Value: '9' Model Value: 7 Domain API Value: 'SelfPropelled' |
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => SalesOrderLinesRepository.IntrastatTransportModeCodeAttribute.GetUntypedValue( c, False)).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
OBSOLETE! Do not use! True if the document is not void and its state is released or greater. Deprecated. Obsolete
Obsoleted in version
Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Specifies whether the document is a single execution of its order document. Required
Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
True when the order is valid (e.g. released and not void). Used for internal processing. Required
Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: False
Show in UI: CannotBeShown
OBSOLETE! Do not use! Notes for this SalesOrder. Obsolete
Obsoleted in version
Type: string (254) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 254
Show in UI: CannotBeShown
The latest version of the extensible data object for the aggregate root for the time the object is loaded from the database. Can be used for optimistic locking.
Type: int32
Category: Extensible Data Object
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: ****
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Type of relationship between the current document and the parent document(s). Affects the constraints for execution/completion for the documents. Possible values: 'S' = 'Subtask', 'N' = 'Next task'. ReadOnly
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: ParentDocument
RelationshipType nullable
Category: System
Relationship between parent and child documents
Allowed Values (General.Documents.ParentDocumentRelationshipType Enum Members)
Value | Description |
Subtask | The child document is a sub-task of the parent document. (Complete child to complete parent) Database Value: 'S' Model Value: 0 Domain API Value: 'Subtask' |
NextTask | The child document is next task of the parent document. (Complete parent to complete child) Database Value: 'N' Model Value: 1 Domain API Value: 'NextTask' |
IndependentTask | The document is not dependent of neither child nor parent document. Database Value: 'I' Model Value: 2 Domain API Value: 'IndependentTask' |
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The last term for the payment of the sales order. Filter(ge;le)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.DocumentDate.AddDays( Convert( IIF( ( obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultPaymentTermDays != 0), obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultPaymentTermDays, obj.Customer.DefaultPaymentTermDays), Double))
The date when the payment becomes due for documents with one installment. null when the document is with multiple installments. Filter(ge;le)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.DocumentDate.AddDays( Convert( IIF( ( obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultPaymentStartDays != 0), obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultPaymentStartDays, obj.Customer.DefaultPaymentStartDays), Double))
Indicates that the document is used only for planning (and as consequence its state cannot be greater than Planned). Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
True - the document is read only; false - the document is not read only. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Indicates the date, when the event, described by the document, actually occurred. Generally, the document should be created at the date of the event. However, if the document is created later than the event, this field contains the date of the actual event. If the field is empty, this means that the document was created at the date of the actual event and Document Date is indicative of the date of the event. Contrast this with CreationTime, which indicates when the document was entered into the system. So, generally: Reference Date <= DocumentDate <= CreationTime. Default(Today)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: CurrentDate
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The number of the document (issued by the other party), which was the reason for the creation of the current document. The number should be unique within the party documents. Filter(eq;like)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (20) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 20
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Date and time when the document was released (State set to Released). Filter(ge;le)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The required delivery date for all lines in the sales order. Initially calculated, based on either the Ship To Customer or Customer delivery term. Filter(ge;le)
Type: date nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.DocumentDate.AddDays( Convert( IIF( ( obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultDeliveryTermDays != 0), obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultDeliveryTermDays, obj.Customer.DefaultDeliveryTermDays), Double))
obj.Lines.Select( c => SalesOrderLinesRepository.RequiredDeliveryDateAttribute.GetUntypedValue( c, False)).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
The current system state of the document. Allowed values: 0=New;5=Corrective;10=Computer Planned;20=Human Planned;30=Released;40=Completed;50=Closed. Required
Filter(multi eq;ge;le)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: DocumentState
Category: System
Enumeration of document system states
Allowed Values (General.Documents.DocumentState Enum Members)
Value | Description |
New | New document, just created. Can be edited. (Stored as 0). Database Value: 0 Model Value: 0 Domain API Value: 'New' |
Adjustment | Document which adjusts other released documents. (Stored as 5). Database Value: 5 Model Value: 5 Domain API Value: 'Adjustment' |
Planned | Planned by the system for future releasing. (Stored as 10). Database Value: 10 Model Value: 10 Domain API Value: 'Planned' |
FirmPlanned | Planned by operator for future releasing. (Stored as 20). Database Value: 20 Model Value: 20 Domain API Value: 'FirmPlanned' |
Released | Released document. Changes can be applied only through adjustment documents. (Stored as 30). Database Value: 30 Model Value: 30 Domain API Value: 'Released' |
Completed | Work has completed. (Stored as 40). Database Value: 40 Model Value: 40 Domain API Value: 'Completed' |
Closed | The document is audited and closed. Adjustments are not allowed, but reopening is allowed. (Stored as 50). Database Value: 50 Model Value: 50 Domain API Value: 'Closed' |
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan, EqualsIn
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: 0
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Specifies the state of the document.
Type: string
Category: Calculated Attributes
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: ****
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
When selling a service valid only for a period, denotes the end of the period. null means that it is unknown or N/A. Filter(ge;le)
Introduced in version 20.1
Type: date nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => SalesOrderLinesRepository.LineToDateAttribute.GetUntypedValue( c, False)).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
True if the document is null and void. Required
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: boolean
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Reason for voiding the document, entered by the user. ReadOnly
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (254) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 254
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Date/time when the document has become void. Filter(ge;le)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The user who voided the document. ReadOnly
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: string (64) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Reference Details
The access key, containing the user permissions for this document. null means that all users have unlimited permissions. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: AccessKeys (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: CannotBeShown
Supported permissions
Permission | Type |
Update | - |
Delete | - |
Administer (manage security) | - |
The primary document, which the current document adjusts. null when this is not an adjustment document. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Documents (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The user to which this document is assigned for handling. null means that the document is not assigned to specific user. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Users (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The currency directory, containing all the convertion rates, used by the document. null means that the document does not need currency convertions. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: CurrencyDirectories (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The primary customer, which placed the sales order. Required
Filter(multi eq)
Type: Customers
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The opportunity (deal) on which this order is based. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Deals (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The external dealer, associated with the sales order. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Dealers (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Deal type to be passed to the invoice. If deal type in entered then the invoice creates VAT entry for this deal type. Filter(multi eq)
Type: DealTypes (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => c.LineDealType).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
The distribution channel, that is used to deliver the products. Filter(multi eq)
Type: DistributionChannels (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultDistributionChannel.IfNullThen( obj.Customer.DefaultDistributionChannel).IfNullThen( obj.DistributionChannel)
The currency of the document; e.g. the currency of the amounts in the document. Required
Filter(multi eq)
Type: Currencies
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Back-End Default Expression:
obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultCurrency.IfNullThen( obj.Customer.DefaultCurrency).IfNullThen( obj.DocumentCurrency).IfNullThen( obj.EnterpriseCompany.BaseCurrency)
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultCurrency.IfNullThen( obj.Customer.DefaultCurrency).IfNullThen( obj.DocumentCurrency).IfNullThen( obj.EnterpriseCompany.BaseCurrency)
The user defined type of the document. Determines document behaviour, properties, additional amounts, validation, generations, etc. Required
Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: DocumentTypes
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The end customer is the customer of the dealer. It is stored for information purposes only. The end customer may not have customer definition; any party can be used. Filter(multi eq)
Introduced in version 20.1
Type: Parties (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => c.LineEndCustomerParty).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
The enterprise company which issued the document. Required
Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: EnterpriseCompanies
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The enterprise company location which issued the document. null means that there is only one location within the enterprise company and locations are not used. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: CompanyLocations (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
For POS sales, specifies the fiscal printer. null when the sales is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq)
Introduced in version 19.1
Type: Devices (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The division of the company, issuing the document. null when the document is not issued by any specific division. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: CompanyDivisions (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The party which issued the document. Required
Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Parties
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Country of origin of the transport company; used for Intrastat reporting. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Countries (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => c.IntrastatTransportCountry).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
In a multi-document tree, this is the root document, that created the whole tree. If this is the root it is equal to Id. Required
Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Documents
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
In a multi-document tree, this is the direct parent document. If this is the root it is null. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Documents (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
When not null, the payment account, where the payment is expected. null=no expectation for account. Filter(multi eq)
Type: PaymentAccounts (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
DeterminePaymentAccount( obj.Transaction, obj.Customer, obj.ShipToCustomer, obj.PaymentType, obj.PaymentAccount)
obj.PaymentPlans.Select( c => c.PaymentAccount).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
When not null specifies the payment type for the sales order. Filter(multi eq)
Type: PaymentTypes (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.ShipToCustomer.DefaultPaymentType.IfNullThen( obj.Customer.DefaultPaymentType).IfNullThen( obj.PaymentType)
obj.PaymentPlans.Select( c => c.PaymentType).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
For POS sales, specifies the POS location, in which the sale is performed. null when the sales is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq)
Introduced in version 19.1
Type: Locations (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
For POS sales, specifies the POS operator, who created the sale. null when the sale is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq)
Introduced in version 19.1
Type: Operators (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
For POS sales, specifies the POS terminal, on which the sale is entered. null when the sales is not a POS sale. Filter(multi eq)
Introduced in version 19.1
Type: Terminals (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The price list to be used for determining product prices in the lines. Filter(multi eq)
Type: PriceLists (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The document that is the prime cause for creation of the current document. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Documents (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The person that is responsible for this order or transaction. It could be the sales person, the orderer, etc. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Persons (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
When specified indicates that some of the goods sold in the sales orders invoiced with Return_For_Invoice_Id are returned with the current document. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Invoices (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
When specified indicates that some of the goods sold in Return_For_Sales_Order_Id are returned with the current document. Filter(multi eq;like)
Type: SalesOrders (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The document which the current document is reverse of. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Documents (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Internal company sales person. Filter(multi eq)
Type: SalesPersons (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
DetermineSalesPerson( obj.Transaction, obj.EnterpriseCompany, new [] {obj.Customer, obj.ShipToCustomer})
The sequence that will be used to give new numbers to the documents of this type. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Sequences (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The customer to whom to ship the sales order. Usually it is a customer entry for a sub-party of the primary customer. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Customers (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
DetermineShipToCustomer( obj.Transaction, obj.EnterpriseCompany, obj.EnterpriseCompanyLocation, obj.Customer, obj.ShipToCustomer)
The contact mechanism (address) to whih to ship the sales order. Filter(multi eq)
Type: PartyContactMechanisms (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.ShipToCustomer.Party.DefaultContactMechanism.IfNullThen( obj.Customer.Party.DefaultContactMechanism)
The store from which to issue the sales order. null means that there is no store associated with the sales order or there are different stores for some of the lines. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Stores (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Front-End Recalc Expressions:
obj.Lines.Select( c => c.LineStore).Distinct( ).OnlyIfSingle( )
The division of the company, receiving the document. null when the document is not received by any specific division. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: CompanyDivisions (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The party which should receive the document. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: Parties (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Back-End Default Expression:
obj.ObtainToParty( )
The user status of this document if applicable for this document type. null means unknown or not yet set. Filter(multi eq)
(Inherited from Documents)
Type: DocumentTypeUserStatuses (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
API Methods
Methods that can be invoked in public APIs.
Changes the document state to the specified new state (Inherited from Documents)
Return Type: void
Declaring Type: Documents
Domain API Request: POST
The desired new state of the document
Type: General.Documents.DocumentState
Enumeration of document system states
Allowed Values (General.Documents.DocumentState Enum Members)Value Description New New document, just created. Can be edited. (Stored as 0).
Model Value: 0
Domain API Value: 'New'Adjustment Document which adjusts other released documents. (Stored as 5).
Model Value: 5
Domain API Value: 'Adjustment'Planned Planned by the system for future releasing. (Stored as 10).
Model Value: 10
Domain API Value: 'Planned'FirmPlanned Planned by operator for future releasing. (Stored as 20).
Model Value: 20
Domain API Value: 'FirmPlanned'Released Released document. Changes can be applied only through adjustment documents. (Stored as 30).
Model Value: 30
Domain API Value: 'Released'Completed Work has completed. (Stored as 40).
Model Value: 40
Domain API Value: 'Completed'Closed The document is audited and closed. Adjustments are not allowed, but reopening is allowed. (Stored as 50).
Model Value: 50
Domain API Value: 'Closed'userStatus
The desired new user status of the document. Can be null.
Type: DocumentTypeUserStatuses
Optional: True
Default Value: null
The process of changing the document state is very labor intensive and includes validation, generation of sub-documents and some other document-specific tasks. The state changing process might be very time-consuming, usually ranging from 500 to 5000 milliseconds. Document states usually can only be advanced to higher states, but there are exceptions from this rule. Database settings and configuration options might affect the allowed state changes. Numerous kinds of document-specific and generic exceptions can be thrown during the process.
Processes the document route. (Inherited from Documents)
Return Type: void
Declaring Type: Documents
Domain API Request: POST
Type: Routes
Type: boolean
Changes the document state to Completed with all Release-ed sub-documents (Inherited from Documents)
Return Type: void
Declaring Type: Documents
Domain API Request: POST
How the sub-documents will be completed, if at all
Type: General.Documents.DocumentCompletion
Determines how Document will be completed
Allowed Values (General.Documents.DocumentCompletion Enum Members)Value Description OnlyDocument Only the document will be completed
Model Value: 0
Domain API Value: 'OnlyDocument'WithAllChildren The document, along with is sub-documents, will be completed
Model Value: 1
Domain API Value: 'WithAllChildren'WithReleasedChildren The document, along with its Release-ed sub-documents, will be completed
Model Value: 2
Domain API Value: 'WithReleasedChildren'
The process of changing the document state is very labor intensive and includes validation, generation of sub-documents and some other document-specific tasks. The state changing process might be very time-consuming, usually ranging from 500 to 5000 milliseconds. Document states usually can only be advanced to higher states, but there are exceptions from this rule. Database settings and configuration options might affect the allowed state changes. Numerous kinds of document-specific and generic exceptions can be thrown during the process.
Makes the document void. The operation is irreversible. (Inherited from Documents)
Return Type: void
Declaring Type: Documents
Domain API Request: POST
The reason for voiding the document.
Type: stringvoidType
The type of void operation to execute.
Type: General.Documents.DocumentsRepositoryBase.VoidType
Specifies the type of void operation
Allowed Values (General.Documents.DocumentsRepositoryBase.VoidType Enum Members)Value Description VoidDocument Void only the document. If there are sub-documents, the operation might fail.
Model Value: 0
Domain API Value: 'VoidDocument'VoidWithSubDocuments Void the document and its non-released sub-documents. If there are released sub-documents, the operation might fail.
Model Value: 1
Domain API Value: 'VoidWithSubDocuments'VoidWithReleased
SubDocumentsVoid the document and all of its sub-documents, even the released ones.
Model Value: 2
Domain API Value: 'VoidWithReleased
SubDocuments'Optional: True
Default Value: VoidDocumentresetParentState
Resets the parent state of document.
Type: boolean
Optional: True
Default Value: True
Gets a document printout as a file. The returned value is Base64 string representation of the file contents. This method creates DocumentPrint
( (Inherited from Documents)
Return Type: string
Declaring Type: Documents
Domain API Request: POST
The file format: pdf, html, xlsx, xls, docx, txt and png. The default format is 'pdf'.
Type: string
Optional: True
Default Value: pdfprintout
The printout defined for the document type of the document. If null the default printout of the document type is used.
Type: Printouts
Optional: True
Default Value: null
The document and all of its owned objects will be altered to become valid. (Inherited from Documents)
Return Type: void
Declaring Type: Documents
Domain API Request: POST
In some cases the objects in child collection of the document depend on values from other child objects. This method ensures that all child objects are properly validated. The changes are only in memory and are not committed to the server.
Gets all parent documents, traversing the parent document chain by using the Parent property. (Inherited from Documents)
Return Type: Collection Of Documents
Declaring Type: Documents
Domain API Request: GET
- includeSelf
if set to true the current document is included.
Type: boolean
Optional: True
Default Value: False
Gets the allowed values for the specified custom property for this entity object. If supported the result is ordered by property value. Some property value sources do not support ordering - in that case the result is not ordered.
Return Type: Collection Of CustomPropertyValue
Declaring Type: EntityObject
Domain API Request: GET
The code of the custom property
Type: stringsearch
The search text - searches by value or description. Can contain wildcard character %.
Type: string
Optional: True
Default Value: nullexactMatch
If true the search text should be equal to the property value
Type: boolean
Optional: True
Default Value: FalseorderByDescription
If true the result is ordered by Description instead of Value. Note that ordering is not always possible.
Type: boolean
Optional: True
Default Value: Falsetop
The top clause - default is 10
Type: int32
Optional: True
Default Value: 10skip
The skip clause - default is 0
Type: int32
Optional: True
Default Value: 0
Create a notification immediately in a separate transaction, and send a real-time event to the user.
Return Type: void
Declaring Type: EntityObject
Domain API Request: POST
The user.
Type: UsersnotificationClass
The notification class.
Type: stringsubject
The notification subject.
Type: string
Duplicates the object and its child objects belonging to the same aggregate. The duplicated objects are not saved to the data source but remain in the same transaction as the original object.
Return Type: EntityObject
Declaring Type: EntityObject
Domain API Request: POST
Business Rules
- R23171-1 SalesOrders - Product Minimal Quantity
- R23171-2 SalesOrders - Distribution Channel Minimal Quantity
- R27179 SalesOrder - Check Customer Enterprise Company
- R28071 SalesOrder - Line Serial Number
- R28215 SalesOrder - Quantity And Line Amount Are With The Same Sign
- R28232 SalesOrder - Empty Return For Sales Order Line When Positive Quantity And Amount
- R28259 SalesOrder - Empty Return For Invoice When Positive Quantity And Amount
- R28260 SalesOrder - Empty Return For Sales Order When Positive Quantity And Amount
- R28273 SalesOrder - Empty Historical Unit Cost When Positive Quantity And Amount
- R28290 SalesOrder - Null Historic Unit Cost When Product Is Not Stocked
- R28293 SalesOrder - Only Return For Sales Order Line Or Historical Unit Cost Has Value
- R28299 SalesOrder - Check If Payment Due Date Meets Deferred Payment Options
- R28322 SalesOrder - Promotional Package Enterprise Company Location
- R28330 SalesOrder - Bonus Program Enterprise Company
- R28331 SalesOrder - Bonus Program Enterprise Company Location
- R28333 SalesOrder - Exactly One Payment Plan Remainder
- R28339 SalesOrder - Check Contact Mechanism Party
- R28344 SalesOrder - Minimum Amount
- R28348 SalesOrder - Normal Sale Allowed Directions
- R28358 SalesOrder - Sales Return Allowed Directions
- R28364 SalesOrder - Check Customers Validity
- R28369 SalesOrder - Check Customer Location Validity
- R28393 SalesOrder - Check If Sold Promotional Package Appear In The Lines
- R28427 SalesOrder - Customer Identification Number Has Value
- R28439 SalesOrder - Check If Payment Type Meets Deferred Payment Options
- R28440 SalesOrder - Check If Payment Plan Meets Deferred Payment Options
- R28659 SalesOrder - Generate Deal
- R28700 SalesOrder - Promotional Package Properly Added To Sales Order Promotional Package Table
- R28778 SalesOrder - Payment Plan Amount Greater Than Or Equal To Amount To Pay
- R28919 SalesOrder - Promotional Package Products And Quantities Are Up To Date
- R29081 SalesOrder - Return For Sales Order Line Or Historical Unit Cost Is Obligatory On Return
- R29644 SalesOrder - Set Pos Attributes (DEPRECATED)
- R29645 SalesOrder - Fiscal Sales Number Cannot Be Changed
- R29647 SalesOrder - Valid Pos Location
- R29743 SalesOrder - Set Fiscal Sales Number And Increment Sequence
- R29752 SalesOrder - Fiscal Sales Number Required
- R29753 SalesOrder - Pos Location Required
- R29759 SalesOrder - Sequence Required
- R29929 SalesOrder - Valid Fiscal Sales Number
- R30077 SalesOrder - POS Return For Sales Order Line Required
- R30596 SalesOrder - Set Pos Location
- R30704 SalesOrder - Completed State Cannot Be Revoked
- R31213 SalesOrder - Check Store Enterprise Company
- R31215 SalesOrder - Check Line Store Enterprise Company
- R36805 SalesOrder - Assign Sales Person
Front-End Business Rules
- R28240 SalesOrder - Empty Return For Invoice Line When Positive Quantity And Amount
- R28360 SalesOrder - Allow Any But Not Both Allowed Directions
- R30127 SalesOrder - Set Pos Attributes
- R30315-1 Sales Order - Set Sales Person (Recalc)
- R33507-1 Sales Order - Set Ship To Customer (Recalc)
- R33507-2 Sales Order - Set Payment Due Date (Recalc)
- R33507-3 Sales Order - Set Payment Type (Recalc)
- R33507-4 Sales Order - Set Required Delivery Date (Recalc)
- R33507-5 Sales Order - Set Document Currency (Recalc)
- R33507-6 Sales Order - Set Ship To Party Contact Mechanism (Recalc)
- R33507-7 Sales Order - Set Payment Account (Recalc)
- R33507-8 Sales Order - Set Payment Due Start Date (Recalc)
- R33507-9 Sales Order - Set Distribution Channel (Recalc)
- CRM0104 Create issue Store orders for products that aren't shipped
- CRM0106 Create Shipment Orders
- CRM0109 Create Invoice orders (with references to the store transactions)
- CRM0110 Create receipt Store Orders for returning of products
- CRM0111 Create Service agreements
- CRM0113 Create Payment Orders
- CRM0115 Create Purchase Orders
- CRM0116 Create issue Store orders for products that are stocked
Domain API Query:$top=10
Domain API Query Builder:$top=10