R29752 SalesOrder - Fiscal Sales Number Required

Code R29752
Entity Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity
Name FiscalSalesNumberRequired
Attribute FiscalSalesNumber
Layer Back-End
Events FirmPlanning +
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Applicable Legislations BG (EnterpriseCompany.Company)
Action If ((FiscalSalesNumber == NULL)

, validate that:

(PosLocations[(EnterpriseCompanyLocation = SalesOrder.EnterpriseCompanyLocation) && (Active = True)].Count() = 0)


(SalesOrdersOptions [DocumentType=SalesOrder.DocumentType].AllowedDirections = SalesReturn)
Description When a POS Sales Order is created into database, according to the Bulgarian legislation it must contain a unique sales number. The current rule validates if this requirement is met.

Note: In EnterpriseOne the unique sales number is filled in the Sales Order's field Fiscal Sales Number.
Message Sales Order '{DocumentText}' is created in an Enterprise Company Location that has an active POS Location but the field Fiscal Sales Number does not contain a value.

Possible reasons why the 'Fiscal Sales Number' is not filled in automatically:

* the field POS Operator does not contain a value;

* the field POS Fiscal Printer does not contain a value;

* there is no active POS Sequence for this POS Fiscal Printer.
Introduced In Version 2019.1
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.