R23171-2 SalesOrders - Distribution Channel Minimal Quantity

Code R23171-2
Entity Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity Entity
Name DistributionChannelMinimalQuantity
Attribute Product, QuantityBase
Layer Back-End
Events Releasing +
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action For all lines, where Product and Quantity fields are not null and Product has DistributionChannels - the rule validates that all Product's DistributionChannels that has DistributionChannel equal to the DistributionChannel of the Sales Order, the MinimalSalesQuantityBase of ProductDistributionChannels has value and the sum of QuantityBase values for lines with the same product is greater than or equal to MinimalSalesQuantityBase of Product's DistributionChannel.
Description Cannot sell below the minimal quantity, specified in the distribution channel.
Message Product '{Product.Name}' has a Minimal Sales Quantity. The quantity in the current document lines is less than the minimal sales quantity. The state of document {DocumentNo} cannot be changed to 'Released'.
Version 2016
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.