R28778 SalesOrder - Payment Plan Amount Greater Than Or Equal To Amount To Pay

Code R28778
Entity Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity
Name PaymentPlanAmountGreaterThanOrEqualToAmountToPay
Attribute -
Layer Back-End
Events Planning +
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If ((SalesOrder.SalesOrderPaymentPlan.Count() > 0) && (SalesOrder.AmountToPay >= 0))

SUM (SalesOrder.SalesOrderPaymentPlan.Amount) >= SalesOrder.AmountToPay *


If ((SalesOrder.SalesOrderPaymentPlan.Count() > 0) && (SalesOrder.AmountToPay < 0))

SUM (SalesOrder.SalesOrderPaymentPlan.Amount) <= SalesOrder.AmountToPay *

* for more information see Amount To Pay
Description Tha payment plan of a sales order must at least cover the total amount of the order.
Message The payment plan of '{DocumentText}' does not cover the amount to pay of the sales order. The total sum of the lines in the payment plan should be greater than or equal to the amount to pay of the sales order (it is recommended that the payment plan has a line marked as 'remainder').

Please, recalculate the payment plan.
Introduced In Version 2021
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.