CRM0115 Create Purchase Orders
Basic Information
Module | CRM.Sales |
Code | CRM0115 |
Parent Document | SalesOrder |
Sub-document | PurchaseOrder |
Full Name | Create Purchase Orders (for sale transactions between enterprise companies) |
Status | ACTIVE |
Deterministic/Non-deterministic | Deterministic |
Transitional Documents | No |
Replace Generation Procedures | GeneratePurchaseOrder |
Processing Orphan Rows | Ignore |
Introduced In Version | 2019.1 |
Date of Suspension |
Business Logic
The generation procedure is designed for purchase and sale between the enterprise companies in the current data base. The Sales Order in the enterprise company selling the products generates purchasing document - Purchase Order - in the buying enterprise company, so the buying enterprise company would have the starting document so they can proceed the receipt of goods.
In order to provide all the data needed for correct Purchase Order there are few verifications processed:
- validate the customer in the Sales Order. The validation checks if the party of the customer (SalesOrder.Customer.Party) is equal to the party of the Destination Enterprise Company (PurchaseOrder.EnterpriseCompany.Party) (in the document flow specifies the enterprise company of the new sub-document). If both parties are one and the same the generation procedure continues, if not - the generation procedure is stopped. No error message is thrown, no new document created;
- if the validation from p.1 is processed succesfully, the next step is to find the correct supplier. So, supplier must be found with the following parameters:
- Supplier.Party == SalesOrder.EnterpriseCompany.Party;
- Supplier.EnterpriseCompany == PurchaseOrder.EnterpriseCompany;
- Supplier's validity period includes the document date (PurchaseOrder.DocumentDate). That would be:
- IsActive == true;
- FromDate <= PurchaseOrder.DocumentDate || FromDate == null
- ThruDate >= PurchaseOrder.DocumentDate || ThruDate == nul
If such supplier is found, this is the Supplier value. Otherwise the generation procedure breaks - error message is thrown, no new document created. The error message is:
The company '{SalesOrder.EnterpriseCompany.Party.PartyName}' is not defined as a supplier for enterprise company '{PurchaseOrder.EnterpriseCompany.Party.PartyName}'.
The Purchase Order document header is created as the Sales Order document header as follows:
PurchaseOrder.Supplier = **Supplier**
PurchaseOrder.DocumentCurrency = SalesOrder.DocumentCurrency
PurchaseOrder.PaymentDueDate = SalesOrder.PaymentDueDate
PurchaseOrder.PlannedDeliveryDate = SalesOrder.RequiredDeliveryDate
PurchaseOrder.PlannedReleaseDate = PurchaseOrder.DocumentDate
PurchaseOrder.PaymentAccount = Supplier.DefaultPaymentAccount
PurchaseOrder.PurchasePriceList = null
The attributes in the Documents table in the PurchaseOrder header are filled in as follows:
PurchaseOrder.Notes = null
PurchaseOrder.EnterpriseCompany = the enterprise company from the document route which party is equal to the party of the SalesOrder.Customer
PurchaseOrder.EnterpriseCompanyLocation = the enterprise company location from the document route
PurchaseOrder.CurrencyDirectory =
//CurrencyDirectories(CurrencyDirectory.DocumentDate == PurchaseOrder.DocumentDate; CurrencyDirectory.IsDefault == true; CurrencyDirectory.EnterpriseCompany == PurchaseOrder.EnterpriseCompany; CurrencyDirectory.IsValidField == true; CurrencyDirectory.Void == false; CurrencyDirectory.State >= Released) = list
if (list.Count() > 0)
than FIRST(list)
else null
PurchaseOrder.DocumentDate = SalesOrder.DocumentDate
PurchaseOrder.FromCompanyDivision = null
PurchaseOrder.ToCompanyDivision = null
PurchaseOrder.FromParty = PurchaseOrder.EnterpriseCompany.Party
PurchaseOrder.ToParty = PurchaseOrder.Supplier.Party
PurchaseOrder.ParentDocument = SalesOrder
PurchaseOrder.PrimeCauseDocument = null
PurchaseOrder.PaymentAccount = PurchaseOrder.Supplier.DefaultPaymentAccount
PurchaseOrder.ResponsiblePerson = null
The rest of the document header attributes which are not listed here are filled in as described in Standard Document Attributes.
The new purchase order is saved only if it has at least one row.
Name | SalesOrderLineToPurchaseOrderLine |
Parent Entity | SalesOrderLine |
Child Entity | PurchaseOrderLine |
Parent / Child Relationship | PurchaseOrderLine.ParentDocument = SalesOrder;PurchaseOrderLine.ParentLineNo =SalesOrder.LineNo |
Fulfillment Name | Metric Name | Measurement Unit | Parent Value | Child Value |
SalesOrderLineToPurchaseOrderLine | Quantity | QuantityUnit | SalesOrderLine.Quantity | PurchaseOrderLine.Quantity |
QuantityBase | Product.BaseMeasurementUnit | SalesOrderLine.QuantityBase | PurchaseOrderLine.QuantityBase |
The SalesOrderLineToPurchaseOrderLine fulfilment creates PurchaseOrderLines as follows:
PurchaseOrderLine.LineNo = SalesOrderLine.LineNo
PurchaseOrderLine.Product = SalesOrderLine.Product
PurchaseOrderLine.ProductDescription = SalesOrderLine.ProductDescription
PurchaseOrderLine.Quantity = REMAINING(Quantity)
PurchaseOrderLine.ConfirmedQuantity = null
PurchaseOrderLine.QuantityUnit = SalesOrderLine.QuantityUnit
PurchaseOrderLine.Lot = SalesOrderLine.Lot
PurchaseOrderLine.QuantityBase = REMAINING(QuantityBase)
PurchaseOrderLine.ConfirmedQuantityBase = null
PurchaseOrderLine.PricePerUnit = ROUND(SalesOrderLine.LineAmount / SalesOrderLine.Quantity, 5)
PurchaseOrderLine.ConfirmedPricePerUnit = ROUND(SalesOrderLine.LineAmount / SalesOrderLine.Quantity, 5)
PurchaseOrderLine.PlannedDeliveryDate = SalesOrderLine.RequiredDeliveryDate
PurchaseOrderLine.ProductVariant = SalesOrderLine.ProductVariant
PurchaseOrderLine.ParentLineNo = SalesOrderLine.LineNo
PurchaseOrderLine.ParentDocument = SalesOrder
PurchaseOrderLine.Notes = null
The rest of the attributes of the Purchase Order Lines must be null.