R29929 SalesOrder - Valid Fiscal Sales Number
Code | R29929 |
Entity | Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity |
Name | ValidFiscalSalesNumber |
Attribute | FiscalSalesNumber |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Priority | Late |
Modify | NO |
Applicable Legislations | BG (EnterpriseCompany.Company) |
Action | Validate that:
If (FiscalSalesNumber != NULL) , then REGEX(FiscalSalesNumber , ^.{8}-.{4}-[0-9]{7}$) = True |
Description | When a POS Sales Order is created into database, according to the Bulgarian legislation the
software must generate a unique sales number with the following format
'XXXXXXXX-ZZZZ-0000001', where:
Message | Document '{DocumentText}' contains a Fiscal Sales Number '{FiscalSalesNumber}' that does
not meet the format requirements of the Bulgarian legislation. The format of the Fiscal Sales
Number must be 'XXXXXXXX-ZZZZ-0000001', where:
* XXXXXXXX - 8-digit Individual Number of the POS Fiscal Printer; * ZZZZ - 4-digit POS Operator code; * 0000001 - 7-digit individual number of the Sales Order, formed by the active POS Fiscal Printer's Sequence. |
Introduced In Version | 2019.1 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.