R28331 SalesOrder - Bonus Program Enterprise Company Location

Code R28331
Entity Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity
Name BonusProgramEnterpriseCompanyLocation
Attribute EnterpriseCompanyLocation
Layer Back-End
Events Planning +
Modify NO
Action Validate that: if SalesOrder.EnterpriseCompanyLocation has value than for all lines SalesOrderLine.BonusProgram.EnterpriseCompanyLocation == SalesOrder.EnterpriseCompanyLocation or SalesOrderLine.BonusProgram.EnterpriseCompanyLocation is null


if SalesOrder.EnterpriseCompanyLocation == null than for all lines SalesOrderLine.BonusProgram.EnterpriseCompanyLocation == null
Description If in the current Sales Order the field Enterprise Company Location has value than in the implemented Bonus program the field Enterprise Company Location must be the same as Enterprise Company Location of the Sales Order or must be empty. And if in the current Sales Order the field Enterprise Company Location is null than in the implemented Bonus Program the field Enterprise Company Location must be null too.
Message "The Enterprise Company Location of the implemented Bonus Programs must be the same as Enterprise Company Location in document '{DocumentType} {DocumentNo}' or must be empty.
Introduced In Version 2018
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.