R28339 SalesOrder - Check Contact Mechanism Party

Code R28339
Entity Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity
Name CheckContactMechanismParty
Attribute ShipToPartyContactMechanism
Layer Back-End
Events Planning +
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If (ShipToPartyContactMechanism.Party != null)

ShipToPartyContactMechanism.Party == Customer.Party || ShipToPartyContactMechanism.Party == ShipToCustomer.Party
Description The user may select address which is not address of the customer or its locations. And as the Logistics and the Shipment module learn about the customer by the address (the party of the address) this may lead to incorrect information.

Also, perhaps there are cases/businesses/practices when goods are delivered to addresses which are not addresses of the customer, so the current rule may be revoked.
Message "The selected delivery address is address of party '{ShipToPartyContactMechanism.Party}'.

Please select address in Ship To Party Contact Mechanism field which is address of the customer or its locations."
Introduced In Version 2018
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.