R23171-1 SalesOrders - Product Minimal Quantity
Code | R23171-1 |
Entity | Crm.Sales.SalesOrders Entity Entity |
Name | ProductMinimalQuantity |
Attribute | Product, QuantityBase |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Releasing + |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Action | For all lines, where Product and Quantity fields are not null and Product's MinimalSalesQuantityBase has value - the rule validates that the sum of QuantityBase values for lines with the same product is greater than or equal to MinimalSalesQuantityBase of the Product. |
Description | Sales below the minimal quantity, specified in the product are not allowed. |
Message | Product '{Product.Name}' has a Minimal Sales Quantity. The quantity in the current document lines is less than the minimal sales quantity. The state of document {DocumentNo} cannot be changed to 'Released'. |
Version | 2016 |
Revocable | YES |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.