This article contains reference points for specific procedures, concepts and error codes within the Client Center.
IsNewOrderEnabled settings
By default, the ability to preview and create new orders in the Client Center is disabled.
To enable it, you have to apply JSON settings in the website's definition.
Enter a value for the Settings field and restart the website using the Instance manager:
{"NewOrderDocumentType": "DocumentType.Id","IsNewOrderEnabled": true}
DocumentType.EntityName must be equal to "SalesOrders"
For example:
{"NewOrderDocumentType": "85493adb-ac4e-4b3c-89bc-590c4b22404c","IsNewOrderEnabled": true}
If only one of the JSON settings is set or the ID doesn't match any sales order document type, an error exception code CC008 or CC009 will be displayed.
IsOrdersEnabled settings
By default, the Orders section of the Client Center is enabled.
To disable it, you have to apply JSON settings in the website's definition.
Enter a value for the Settings field and restart the website using the Instance manager:
{"IsOrdersEnabled": false}
If "IsOrdersEnabled" is not present in the settings, the Orders section will still be visible.
HideLines settings:
Lines are visible by default in both the Invoices and the Orders sections of the Client Center.
To hide them, you have to apply JSON settings in the website's definition.
Enter the following value for the Settings field and restart the website using the Instance Manager:
{"HideLines": true}
If "HideLines" is not present in the settings, lines will remain visible in both Invoices and Orders.
Error exception codes
The logged user is not defined as a Person. Please define Person object for this user to use the Client Center.
Parent party of the logged user is empty. Please set parent party to the company on behalf of which the user is entering Client Center.
The parent party is not defined as a customer. It should be customer in order to use Client Center.
The Client Center is not setup correctly - Enterprise Company is not set in the definition of the web site. Please set Enterprise company accordingly.
The parent party does not have customer agreement for the enterprise company of the Client Center. Create customer agreement for this party.
ServicedByEnterpriseCompanyLocation is null. Please set ServicedByEnterpriseCompanyLocation to the asigned ParentParty.Customer for this user.
Not well formatted JSON string.
Incorrect setup of Client Center - the option NewOrderDocumentType is set, but DocumentType is null.