Crm.Presales.Leads Entity
Namespace: Crm.Presales
Leads are potential customers for your products. Because leads are usually processed in a hurry or imported from external lists, personal and company information is saved in a less structured way. With the advancement of the qualification process (including deduplication), the information is structured in the usual Person and Company entities. When successfully processed, leads can be converted to Opportunities. Entity: Crm_Leads (Introduced in version
Default Visualization
Default Display Text Format:
{PersonFirstName} {PersonLastName}
Default Search Members:
Name Data Member:
Category: Documents
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Track Changes
Min level: 0 - Do not track changes
Max level: 4 - Track object attribute and blob changes
An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit.
Aggregate Tree
Name | Type | Description |
CompanyName | string (64) nullable | The name of the company, which the person works for (in relation to the current lead). Filter(eq;like) |
CreationTimestampUtc | datetime | System assigned date and time (in UTC), when the lead was initially created. Required Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly |
DisplayText | string | Uses the repository DisplayTextFormat to build the display text from the attributes and references of current object. |
Id | guid | |
MQLTimestampUtc | datetime nullable | System assigned date and time (in UTC), when the lead was first promoted to Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL). Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly |
Notes | string (max) nullable | Additional information or comments. Filter(like) Introduced in version |
ObjectVersion | int32 | The latest version of the extensible data object for the aggregate root for the time the object is loaded from the database. Can be used for optimistic locking. |
PersonEmail | string (64) nullable | The email address of the sales lead person. Filter(eq;like) |
PersonFirstName | string (64) nullable | The first name of the person, representing the sales lead. Filter(eq;like) |
PersonLastName | string (64) nullable | The last name of the person, representing the sales lead. Filter(eq;like) |
PersonMobilePhone | string (32) nullable | The mobile phone of the sales lead person. Filter(like) |
PersonSalutation | string (16) nullable | Salutation for the sales lead person. Filter(eq;like) |
PersonWebProfile | string (64) nullable | Web address (including protocol like https) of the personal profile in a social or professional network. The address itself, as it is full valid Internet address, contains also the network name. Filter(like) |
PersonWorkPhone | string (32) nullable | The work phone of the sales lead person. Filter(like) |
RoleInCompany | string (32) nullable | The role of the person in the company. Filter(eq;like) |
SQLTimestampUtc | datetime nullable | System assigned date and time (in UTC), when the lead was first promoted to Sales Qualified Lead. Filter(ge;le) ReadOnly |
SystemStage | SystemStage | The system stage of the lead - New, Qualifying, Marketing Qualified Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, Closed. (NEW, QUA, MQL, SQL, CLO). Required Default("NEW") Filter(multi eq) ReadOnly |
Name | Type | Description |
AssignedToSalesPerson | SalesPersons (nullable) | Sales rep to whom this lead is assigned for further processing. null - not yet assigned. Filter(multi eq) |
Campaign | Campaigns | The marketing campaign under which the lead was generated. Required Filter(multi eq) |
ConvertedToDeal | Deals (nullable) | Filled when the lead is converted to opportunity (deal). Filter(multi eq) |
EnterpriseCompany | EnterpriseCompanies | The enterprise company to which this lead belongs. Required Filter(multi eq) Introduced in version |
EnterpriseCompanyLocation | CompanyLocations (nullable) | The enterprise company location to which this lead belongs. Filter(multi eq) Introduced in version |
IdentifiedCompany | Companies (nullable) | Filled when the company is identified within our database. Filter(multi eq) |
IdentifiedPerson | Persons (nullable) | Filled when the person is identified and recorded in our master records. Filter(multi eq) |
LeadUserStage | LeadUserStages (nullable) | The user-defined sub-stage of the lead. This also defines the step in the sales sequence and the next appropriate activity to engage the lead. null when the user stage is undefined (the pure System Stage defines the stage). Filter(multi eq) ReadOnly |
MarketingCompanySize | CompanySizeClasses (nullable) | The size class of the company. Filter(multi eq) |
MarketingIndustry | Industries (nullable) | The industry (for marketing purposes) of the lead. Filter(multi eq) |
MarketingSolution | MarketingSolutions (nullable) | The marketing solution, in which the lead is interested or which generated the lead. Filter(multi eq) |
OwnerUser | Users | The user, responsible for this record. Required Filter(multi eq) |
SalesArea | Areas (nullable) | The sales area, where the lead is located, when it is identified. This should also indicate the Time Zone. Filter(multi eq) |
Attribute Details
The name of the company, which the person works for (in relation to the current lead). Filter(eq;like)
Type: string (64) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
System assigned date and time (in UTC), when the lead was initially created. Required
Type: datetime
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Back-End Default Expression:
IIF( ( obj.MQLTimestampUtc == null), Convert( DateTime.UtcNow, Nullable
1), obj.MQLTimestampUtc)`
Uses the repository DisplayTextFormat to build the display text from the attributes and references of current object.
Type: string
Category: Calculated Attributes
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: ****
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
Type: guid
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Default Value: NewGuid
Show in UI: CannotBeShown
System assigned date and time (in UTC), when the lead was first promoted to Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL). Filter(ge;le)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Additional information or comments. Filter(like)
Introduced in version
Type: string (max) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 2147483647
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The latest version of the extensible data object for the aggregate root for the time the object is loaded from the database. Can be used for optimistic locking.
Type: int32
Category: Extensible Data Object
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: ****
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault
The email address of the sales lead person. Filter(eq;like)
Type: string (64) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The first name of the person, representing the sales lead. Filter(eq;like)
Type: string (64) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The last name of the person, representing the sales lead. Filter(eq;like)
Type: string (64) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The mobile phone of the sales lead person. Filter(like)
Type: string (32) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 32
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Salutation for the sales lead person. Filter(eq;like)
Type: string (16) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 16
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Web address (including protocol like https) of the personal profile in a social or professional network. The address itself, as it is full valid Internet address, contains also the network name. Filter(like)
Type: string (64) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The work phone of the sales lead person. Filter(like)
Type: string (32) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 32
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The role of the person in the company. Filter(eq;like)
Type: string (32) nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 32
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
System assigned date and time (in UTC), when the lead was first promoted to Sales Qualified Lead. Filter(ge;le)
Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The system stage of the lead - New, Qualifying, Marketing Qualified Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, Closed. (NEW, QUA, MQL, SQL, CLO). Required
Filter(multi eq)
Type: SystemStage
Category: System
Allowed values for the SystemStage
( data attribute
Allowed Values (Crm.Presales.LeadsRepository.SystemStage Enum Members)
Value | Description |
New | New value. Stored as 'NEW'. Database Value: 'NEW' Model Value: 0 Domain API Value: 'New' |
Qualifying | Qualifying value. Stored as 'QUA'. Database Value: 'QUA' Model Value: 1 Domain API Value: 'Qualifying' |
MarketingQualifiedLead | MarketingQualifiedLead value. Stored as 'MQL'. Database Value: 'MQL' Model Value: 2 Domain API Value: 'MarketingQualifiedLead' |
SalesQualifiedLead | SalesQualifiedLead value. Stored as 'SQL'. Database Value: 'SQL' Model Value: 3 Domain API Value: 'SalesQualifiedLead' |
Closed | Closed value. Stored as 'CLO'. Database Value: 'CLO' Model Value: 4 Domain API Value: 'Closed' |
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: New
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Reference Details
Sales rep to whom this lead is assigned for further processing. null - not yet assigned. Filter(multi eq)
Type: SalesPersons (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The marketing campaign under which the lead was generated. Required
Filter(multi eq)
Type: Campaigns
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Filled when the lead is converted to opportunity (deal). Filter(multi eq)
Type: Deals (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The enterprise company to which this lead belongs. Required
Filter(multi eq)
Introduced in version
Type: EnterpriseCompanies
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The enterprise company location to which this lead belongs. Filter(multi eq)
Introduced in version
Type: CompanyLocations (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Filled when the company is identified within our database. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Companies (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
Filled when the person is identified and recorded in our master records. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Persons (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The user-defined sub-stage of the lead. This also defines the step in the sales sequence and the next appropriate activity to engage the lead. null when the user stage is undefined (the pure System Stage defines the stage). Filter(multi eq)
Type: LeadUserStages (nullable)
Indexed: True
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The size class of the company. Filter(multi eq)
Type: CompanySizeClasses (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The industry (for marketing purposes) of the lead. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Industries (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The marketing solution, in which the lead is interested or which generated the lead. Filter(multi eq)
Type: MarketingSolutions (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The user, responsible for this record. Required
Filter(multi eq)
Type: Users
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
The sales area, where the lead is located, when it is identified. This should also indicate the Time Zone. Filter(multi eq)
Type: Areas (nullable)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault
API Methods
Methods that can be invoked in public APIs.
Gets the allowed values for the specified custom property for this entity object. If supported the result is ordered by property value. Some property value sources do not support ordering - in that case the result is not ordered.
Return Type: Collection Of CustomPropertyValue
Declaring Type: EntityObject
Domain API Request: GET
The code of the custom property
Type: stringsearch
The search text - searches by value or description. Can contain wildcard character %.
Type: string
Optional: True
Default Value: nullexactMatch
If true the search text should be equal to the property value
Type: boolean
Optional: True
Default Value: FalseorderByDescription
If true the result is ordered by Description instead of Value. Note that ordering is not always possible.
Type: boolean
Optional: True
Default Value: Falsetop
The top clause - default is 10
Type: int32
Optional: True
Default Value: 10skip
The skip clause - default is 0
Type: int32
Optional: True
Default Value: 0
Create a notification immediately in a separate transaction, and send a real-time event to the user.
Return Type: void
Declaring Type: EntityObject
Domain API Request: POST
The user.
Type: UsersnotificationClass
The notification class.
Type: stringsubject
The notification subject.
Type: string
Duplicates the object and its child objects belonging to the same aggregate. The duplicated objects are not saved to the data source but remain in the same transaction as the original object.
Return Type: EntityObject
Declaring Type: EntityObject
Domain API Request: POST
Business Rules
- R32346 Lead - Set MQL Timestamp Utc
- R32347 Lead - Check User Stage
- R32350 Lead - Set SQL Timestamp Utc
- R32359 Lead - Set Creation Timestamp Utc
- R32864 Lead - Update On Closed Not Allowed
- R35958 Lead - Notify Assigned To Sales Person For Update
- R35980 Lead - Notify Assigned To Sales Person Upon Assignment
- R37308 Lead - Assign Sales Person
Front-End Business Rules
- R33117 Lead - Set Owner User
- R33119 Lead - Set Enterprise Company
- R33125 Lead - Set Enterprise Company Location
- R34045 Leads - Set Company Name
- R35811 Lead - Set Assigned To Sales Person
Domain API Query:$top=10
Domain API Query Builder:$top=10