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Crm.Invoicing.InvoiceOrderLinesUnfulfilledView View

Namespace: Crm.Invoicing

Returns the uninvoiced (unfulfilled) Invoice Order Lines from Invoice Orders, which are Released. Is_Fulfilled and Is_QuantityFulfilled can be used to filter out lines which appear fulfilled. For best performance, the invoice orders should be finished after fulfilling. Entity: Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Unfulfilled_View (Introduced in version

Default Visualization

Default Display Text Format:
{IsFulfilled}: {IsQuantityFulfilled}
Default Search Members:
Category: Views
Show in UI: CannotBeShown


An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit.

Aggregate Parent:
Aggregate Root:


Name Type Description
IsFulfilled boolean Returns true when both the Quantity and Amount are fulfilled or only negligible (less than 0.001 for qty and 0.01 for amount) sums remain. Please note, that filtering by this field forces full scan and calculation of remaining quantities and amounts for all non-finished invoice orders. For best performance, the invoice orders should be finished after fulfilling. Required Filter(eq)
IsQuantityFulfilled boolean Returns true when the Quantity is fulfilled or only negligible (less than 0.001) sum remains. Please note, that filtering by this field forces full scan and calculation of remaining quantities and amounts for all non-finished invoice orders. For best performance, the invoice orders should be finished after fulfilling. Required Filter(eq)
OrderRemainingLineAmount decimal (38, 2) The uninvoiced (unfulfilled) line amount of the invoice order line. Required Filter(multi eq;ge;le)
decimal (38, 6) The uninvoiced (unfulfilled) quantity of the invoice order line in base measurement unit. Required Filter(multi eq;ge;le)


Name Type Description
InvoiceOrder InvoiceOrders The invoice order to which the invoice order line belongs. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_<br />Lines_Table.Invoice_Order_Id Introduced in version Owner
InvoiceOrderLine InvoiceOrderLines (nullable) Invoice order line which is invoiced by this line. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Lines_Table.Invoice_Order_Line_Id Introduced in version FilterableReference
SalesOrder SalesOrders (nullable) When not null specifies the Sales Order that is ordered to be invoiced by this line. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_<br />Lines_Table.Sales_Order_Id Introduced in version
SalesOrderLine SalesOrderLines (nullable) When not null specifies the Sales Order line that is ordered to be invoiced by this line. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_<br />Lines_Table.Sales_Order_Line_Id Introduced in version
TransactionLine StoreTransactionLines (nullable) The store transaction line that is to be invoiced by this line, for Business Reason = S. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_<br />Lines_Table.Transaction_Line_Id Introduced in version

Attribute Details


Returns true when both the Quantity and Amount are fulfilled or only negligible (less than 0.001 for qty and 0.01 for amount) sums remain. Please note, that filtering by this field forces full scan and calculation of remaining quantities and amounts for all non-finished invoice orders. For best performance, the invoice orders should be finished after fulfilling. Required Filter(eq)

Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


Returns true when the Quantity is fulfilled or only negligible (less than 0.001) sum remains. Please note, that filtering by this field forces full scan and calculation of remaining quantities and amounts for all non-finished invoice orders. For best performance, the invoice orders should be finished after fulfilling. Required Filter(eq)

Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The uninvoiced (unfulfilled) line amount of the invoice order line. Required Filter(multi eq;ge;le)

Type: decimal (38, 2)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan, EqualsIn
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The uninvoiced (unfulfilled) quantity of the invoice order line in base measurement unit. Required Filter(multi eq;ge;le)

Type: decimal (38, 6)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan, EqualsIn
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault

Reference Details


The invoice order to which the invoice order line belongs. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Invoice_Order_Id Introduced in version Owner

Type: InvoiceOrders
Category: System
Inherited From: Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Invoice_Order_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Filterable Reference: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


Invoice order line which is invoiced by this line. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Lines_Table.Invoice_Order_Line_Id Introduced in version FilterableReference

Type: InvoiceOrderLines (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Crm_Invoice_Lines_Table.Invoice_Order_Line_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Filterable Reference: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


When not null specifies the Sales Order that is ordered to be invoiced by this line. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Sales_Order_Id Introduced in version

Type: SalesOrders (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Sales_Order_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


When not null specifies the Sales Order line that is ordered to be invoiced by this line. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Sales_Order_Line_Id Introduced in version

Type: SalesOrderLines (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Sales_Order_Line_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The store transaction line that is to be invoiced by this line, for Business Reason = S. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Transaction_Line_Id Introduced in version

Type: StoreTransactionLines (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Crm_Invoice_Order_Lines_Table.Transaction_Line_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


Domain API Query:$top=10

Domain API Query Builder:$top=10