Table of Contents


This section allows you to confirm product quantities received by your inventory or shop's store, and create receipt store transactions.

Ordered quantities which are successfully confirmed and executed are counted towards your store's overall availability.


Make sure you've set the correct document type for this operation within the Settings.

You'll then be prompted to select the released order for which you want to confirm received product quantities.

Available orders are filtered by enterprise company and location.


If you tap on one, you'll be taken to the Receive order.



Receieve is composed of three tabs:

  • Ordered
  • Executed
  • Info


This is where all of your ordered product quantities are listed, together with their lots and order lines, if present.

One and the same document can have its quantities spread across multiple lots.



Here, you can find how many quantities of the products are executed as opposed to being ordered.

For example, out of 30 ordered pcs, only 15 may be received. This will be reflected in the receipt store transaction.



If you tap on a product from the Ordered tab, you'll be shown further information about it here.

This includes revealing its part number and additional codes, if present, as well as ordered/executed quantities.

If more lots are present, the ordered-executed ratio is distributed based on the FEFO (first expire - first out) principle.

For example, 250 product quantities may be distributed across 3 lots with 100, 80 and 70 each.

The lot with quantities whose date is closest to its expiration point will be prioritised in the execution process.



In order to mark product quantities of an order as received, you need to use the Scan field.

It lets you quickly insert the instances of a product you want to receive either manually or through barcode commands.

For a list of available barcode templates, check out the Command list.

If you're unfamiliar with the process of scanning a product and require assistance, refer to our overview.


The executed pcs of a product cannot be more than what is ordered.


Zero count

If the Executed bar is left with zero, this will be interpreted as the product having received "0 pcs".

In the final receipt store transaction, there will be no lines for the product.


Create a receipt store transaction

Once you're done scanning the ordered product quantities, you can go back to the Executed tab to see if you've made any mistakes.

The Ordered value will be positioned above the Executed one, making it easy to compare these values.


If all ordered product quantities have been received, the Finish button will be painted in green.

Tap on it once to create your receipt store document.

This will take you to a separate space with direct link to the transaction for this operation.


By tapping on it, you'll access the Inventory module from where you can release and complete the document.



The screenshots taken for this article are from v24 of the Web Client.