Table of Contents

Jobs documentation template

Each job has a documentation topic that includes a standardized table containing detailed information about it. This table allows you to organize data in a structured way and helps you quickly navigate through the info.

The table columns and content explained

Template Column Name Template column description
Code Unique job code. Always starts with 'J' and continues with a digit number.
Entity The entity records processed by the job.
Job type name Unique job type name.
Parameters Field values (conditions) determining the entity records which will be processed by the job.
Description An explanation of what the job does.
First to process Specifies the condition/s by which the job determines which records will be processed first.
Automatically created Shows whether the job is created and activated automatically into the databases or not.
Possible values are YES and NO.
Version A list of all versions in which the job has been changed. It usually contains two types of records: 'Introduced: 2xxx.x' - the version since which the job type has been available;
'Updated: 2xxx.x ' - the version in which the job has been changed (including description of the changes). There could be neither no records nor multiple records of this type.