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J35666 Delete attribute changes history

Code J35666
Entity Systems.Core.AttributeChanges
Job type name Delete attribute changes history
Parameters /TrackChanges/AttributeChangesRetentionMonths key
Description Deletes old history data for attribute changes whose object changeset’s TimeUtc is older than 36 months.
The default value of 36 months can be adjusted according to the specific needs by configuring and setting a preferred value in the /TrackChanges/AttributeChangesRetentionMonths key*.
First to process AttributeChange.ObjectChange.ObjectChangeset.TimeUtc (ASC)
Automatically created YES
Version Introduced: v.24

*To learn more about the /TrackChanges/AttributeChangesRetentionMonths key, see key №57 in Config options.


The job will NOT delete information from the Object Changes and the Object Changesets tables. That means that the details regarding when and by whom the document or the definition has been changed will continue to be available. The job deletes only data related to the changed attributes and their updated values.

To learn more about the documentation template and get a short explanation for each table column,
see Jobs documentation template.