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J30777 Document state change

Code J30777
Entity General.Documents Namespace
Job type name Document State Change
Parameters Job.DocumentJob.Condition// Note that in 2020.1 in the condition can be used only the fields from the Documents table.
Description Used to change the state of a set of documents. A record in Document Jobs must be created for each job of this type, containing information about the state that needs to be set, the new user state (optional), and the conditions which define the set of documents that will be processed.
First to process -
Version 2020.1

Important notes:

  • The Document Type field is NOT a filter for the job. If you set a specific document type, it doesn't mean that it'll be executed only for documents with this document type or entity. The filters meant to determine the processed documents are found in the Conditions field.

  • The Conditions field is the only one that's taken into account when determining which documents will be processed. If there are no conditions, the system will try to process all documents into the database!

  • In Conditions, you have to choose and specify the right combination of criteria which will filter the desired set of documents among all documents in the system. Commonly used filters would be:

    • Document.Void = false - the job will exclude voided documents.
    • Document.Entity Name - the job will be executed for all documents of this entity.
    • Document.Document Type - the job will be executed for all documents of this document type/s.
    • Document.State - the job will be executed for all documents with this document state.
    • Document.User State - the job will be executed for all documents with this user state.
    • Document.Document Date >= and Document.Document Date >= - the job will be executed for all documents with document date in this period.

Currently, the only conditions taken into account are the filters from the Document panel.

To learn more about the documentation template and get a short explanation for each table column,
see Jobs documentation template.