Table of Contents

Table Inv_Stores


Entity: Logistics.Inventory.Stores

Represents the physical warehouses. Entity: Inv_Stores

Owner Tables Hierarchy


Name Type Description
Access_Key_Id uniqueidentifier
Active bit Obsolete - Use Gen_Parties.Is_Active
Creation_Time datetime Readonly
Creation_User nvarchar(64) Readonly
Currency_Id uniqueidentifier The currency for the warehouse cost calculations. When NULL, the base currency for the enterprise company will be used
Default_Store_Bin_Id uniqueidentifier To be used when store bin is unknown
Default_Supply_Store_Id uniqueidentifier The store from which goods are usually supplied to this store
Enterprise_Company_Id uniqueidentifier
Enterprise_Company_Location_Id uniqueidentifier
Id uniqueidentifier PK Unique store Id
Number_Of_Dimensions int Number of dimensions in the coordinate system of the storage bins. 0 means single-bin store. Currently, this is only stored for information and is not used for automatical generation of store bins, as it was intended.
Parent_Store_Id uniqueidentifier Obsolete. Not used. (Hierarchy of the stores is now represented by the Store Groups entity).
Party_Id uniqueidentifier The party of the store. Each store is a party and is stored based on a party definition.
Responsible_Party_Id uniqueidentifier Primary responsible party (usually employee) for the stock in the store.
Row_Version timestamp
Schema_XML nvarchar(max) Obsolete. Not used.
Store_Code nvarchar(16)
Store_Group_Id uniqueidentifier The store group, to which this store belongs.
Store_Name nvarchar(254) ML Name of the store
Tax_Warehouse_Id uniqueidentifier Excise Tax Warehouse for this Store. NULL means that the Store is not an Excise Tax Warehouse.
Unmanaged bit If 0 the system will expect the user to process the store transactions. If 1 the system will auto-generate them
Update_Time datetime Readonly
Update_User nvarchar(64) Readonly
Warehouse_Id uniqueidentifier Specifies, the warehouse, which manages the warehouse operations for the store. NULL for stores, which do not have managed operations.



Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Sec_Access_Keys
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Access_Key_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


Obsolete - Use Gen_Parties.Is_Active

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Creation_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login yes
Visible no

Creation_User - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no yes


The currency for the warehouse cost calculations. When NULL, the base currency for the enterprise company will be used

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Currencies
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Currency_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


To be used when store bin is unknown

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Inv_Store_Bins
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Default_Store_Bin_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The store from which goods are usually supplied to this store

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Default_Supply_Store_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Enterprise_Companies
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Enterprise_Company_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Cm_Company_Locations
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Enterprise_Company_Location_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


Unique store Id

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value NewGuid
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key yes (order: 1)
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


Number of dimensions in the coordinate system of the storage bins. 0 means single-bin store. Currently, this is only stored for information and is not used for automatical generation of store bins, as it was intended.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value 0
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type int
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible yes

Number_Of_Dimensions - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


Obsolete. Not used. (Hierarchy of the stores is now represented by the Store Groups entity).

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Inv_Stores
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Parent_Store_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The party of the store. Each store is a party and is stored based on a party definition.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference yes
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Parties
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Party_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


Primary responsible party (usually employee) for the stock in the store.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Parties
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Long
User Login no
Visible yes

Responsible_Party_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type timestamp
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


Obsolete. Not used.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 2147483647
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(max) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 16
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(16)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Store_Code - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no
Like None no no


The store group, to which this store belongs.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Inv_Store_Groups
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Store_Group_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


Name of the store

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 254
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(254) (MultiLanguage)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Long
User Login no
Visible yes

Store_Name - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no no


Excise Tax Warehouse for this Store. NULL means that the Store is not an Excise Tax Warehouse.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Exc_Tax_Warehouses
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Tax_Warehouse_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


If 0 the system will expect the user to process the store transactions. If 1 the system will auto-generate them

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value True
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Update_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login yes
Visible no

Update_User - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no yes


Specifies, the warehouse, which manages the warehouse operations for the store. NULL for stores, which do not have managed operations.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Wms_Warehouses
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Warehouse_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no