Table of Contents

Table Gen_Documents


Entity: General.Documents

Contains all documents issued by and to the enterprise. Entity: Gen_Documents


Name Type Description
Access_Key_Id uniqueidentifier The access key, containing the user permissions for this document. NULL means that all users have unlimited permissions
Adjusted_Document_Id uniqueidentifier Readonly The primary document, which the current document adjusts. NULL when this is not an adjustment document
Adjustment_Number int Readonly Consecutive number of the correction that this document is applying to the adjusted document.
Adjustment_Time datetime Readonly Date/time when the document last has been adjusted by corrective document
Adjustment_User nvarchar(64) Readonly The user who adjusted the document
Assigned_To_User_Id uniqueidentifier The user to which this document is assigned for handling. NULL means that the document is not assigned to specific user
Complete_Time datetime Readonly Date and time when the document was completed (State set to Completed).
Creation_Time datetime Readonly Date/Time when the document was created
Creation_User nvarchar(64) Readonly The login name of the user, who created the document
Currency_Directory_Id uniqueidentifier The currency directory, containing all the convertion rates, used by the document. NULL means that the document does not need currency convertions
Document_Date date The date on which the document was issued
Document_No nvarchar(20) Document number, unique within Document_Type_Id
Document_Type_Id uniqueidentifier The user defined type of the document. Determines document behaviour, properties, additional amounts, validation, generations, etc.
Document_Version int Readonly Consecutive version number, starting with 1. Each update produces a new version of the document.
Enterprise_Company_Id uniqueidentifier The enterprise company which issued the document
Enterprise_Company_Location_Id uniqueidentifier The enterprise company location which issued the document. NULL means that there is only one location within the enterprise company and locations are not used
Entity_Name nvarchar(64) The entity name of the document header.
From_Company_Division_Id uniqueidentifier The division of the company, issuing the document. NULL when the document is not issued by any specific division
From_Party_Id uniqueidentifier The party which issued the document
Id uniqueidentifier PK
Master_Document_Id uniqueidentifier In a multi-document tree, this is the root document, that created the whole tree. If this is the root it is equal to Id
Notes nvarchar(max)
Parent_Document_Id uniqueidentifier In a multi-document tree, this is the direct parent document. If this is the root it is NULL
Parent_Document_Relationship_Type nvarchar(1) Allowed: S, N, I, Readonly Type of relationship between the current document and the parent document(s). Affects the constraints for execution/completion for the documents. Possible values: 'S' = 'Subtask', 'N' = 'Next task'.
Planning_Only bit Readonly Indicates that the document is used only for planning (and as consequence its state cannot be greater than Planned)
Prime_Cause_Document_Id uniqueidentifier The document that is the prime cause for creation of the current document
Read_Only bit Readonly 1 - the document is read only; 0 - the document is not read only
Reference_Date datetime Indicates the date, when the event, described by the document, actually occurred.
Generally, the document should be created at the date of the event. However, if the document is created later than the event, this field contains the date of the actual event. If the field is empty, this means that the document was created at the date of the actual event and Document Date is indicative of the date of the event. Contrast this with CreationTime, which indicates when the document was entered into the system.
So, generally: Reference Date <= DocumentDate <= CreationTime.
Reference_Document_No nvarchar(20) The number of the document (issued by the other party), which was the reason for the creation of the current document. The numebr should be unique within the party documents
Release_Time datetime Readonly Date and time when the document was released (State set to Released).
Responsible_Person_Id uniqueidentifier The person that is responsible for this order or transaction. It could be the sales person, the orderer, etc.
Reverse_Of_Document_Id uniqueidentifier Readonly The document which the current document is reverse of
Row_Version timestamp
Sequence_Id uniqueidentifier Readonly The sequence that will be used to give new numbers to the documents of this type
State smallint Allowed: 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, Readonly The current system state of the document. Allowed values: 0=New;5=Corrective;10=Computer Planned;20=Human Planned;30=Released;40=Completed;50=Closed.
To_Company_Division_Id uniqueidentifier The division of the company, receiving the document. NULL when the document is not received by any specific division
To_Party_Id uniqueidentifier The party which should receive the document
User_Status_Id uniqueidentifier Readonly The user status of this document if applicable for this document type. NULL means unknown or not yet set
Void bit Readonly 1 if the document is null and void
Void_Reason nvarchar(254) Readonly Reason for voiding the document, entered by the user
Void_Time datetime Readonly Date/time when the document has become void
Void_User nvarchar(64) Readonly The user who voided the document



The access key, containing the user permissions for this document. NULL means that all users have unlimited permissions

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Sec_Access_Keys
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Access_Key_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The primary document, which the current document adjusts. NULL when this is not an adjustment document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
Referenced Table Gen_Documents
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Adjusted_Document_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


Consecutive number of the correction that this document is applying to the adjusted document.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value 0
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type int
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


Date/time when the document last has been adjusted by corrective document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Adjustment_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None no no


The user who adjusted the document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login yes
Visible no


The user to which this document is assigned for handling. NULL means that the document is not assigned to specific user

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Sec_Users
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Assigned_To_User_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


Date and time when the document was completed (State set to Completed).

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Complete_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


Date/Time when the document was created

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value CurrentDateTime
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Creation_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


The login name of the user, who created the document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login yes
Visible no

Creation_User - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no yes


The currency directory, containing all the convertion rates, used by the document. NULL means that the document does not need currency convertions

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order yes
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Currency_Directories
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Currency_Directory_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


The date on which the document was issued

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value CurrentDate
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order -100
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type date
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Document_Date - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes no


Document number, unique within Document_Type_Id

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 20
Order -80
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(20)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Document_No - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes
Like None no no


The user defined type of the document. Determines document behaviour, properties, additional amounts, validation, generations, etc.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order -90
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Document_Types
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Document_Type_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


Consecutive version number, starting with 1. Each update produces a new version of the document.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value 1
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type int
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Document_Version - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


The enterprise company which issued the document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 0
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Enterprise_Companies
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Enterprise_Company_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


The enterprise company location which issued the document. NULL means that there is only one location within the enterprise company and locations are not used

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Cm_Company_Locations
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Enterprise_Company_Location_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The entity name of the document header.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name yes
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Entity_Name - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The division of the company, issuing the document. NULL when the document is not issued by any specific division

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Cm_Company_Divisions
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

From_Company_Division_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The party which issued the document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 1
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Parties
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

From_Party_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value NewGuid
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key yes (order: 1)
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


In a multi-document tree, this is the root document, that created the whole tree. If this is the root it is equal to Id

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Documents
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Master_Document_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


Property Value
Attributes IsLongString
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 2147483647
Order 6
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(max) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


In a multi-document tree, this is the direct parent document. If this is the root it is NULL

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Documents
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Parent_Document_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


Type of relationship between the current document and the parent document(s). Affects the constraints for execution/completion for the documents. Possible values: 'S' = 'Subtask', 'N' = 'Next task'.

Property Value
Allowed Values S, N, I
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(1) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


Indicates that the document is used only for planning (and as consequence its state cannot be greater than Planned)

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value False
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible no


The document that is the prime cause for creation of the current document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Documents
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Prime_Cause_Document_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


1 - the document is read only; 0 - the document is not read only

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value False
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible no


Indicates the date, when the event, described by the document, actually occurred. Generally, the document should be created at the date of the event. However, if the document is created later than the event, this field contains the date of the actual event. If the field is empty, this means that the document was created at the date of the actual event and Document Date is indicative of the date of the event. Contrast this with CreationTime, which indicates when the document was entered into the system. So, generally: Reference Date <= DocumentDate <= CreationTime.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value CurrentDate
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Reference_Date - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


The number of the document (issued by the other party), which was the reason for the creation of the current document. The numebr should be unique within the party documents

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 20
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(20) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Reference_Document_No - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes
Like None no no


Date and time when the document was released (State set to Released).

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Release_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


The person that is responsible for this order or transaction. It could be the sales person, the orderer, etc.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Cm_Persons
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Responsible_Person_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The document which the current document is reverse of

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
Referenced Table Gen_Documents
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Reverse_Of_Document_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type timestamp
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


The sequence that will be used to give new numbers to the documents of this type

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
Referenced Table Gen_Sequences
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Sequence_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


The current system state of the document. Allowed values: 0=New;5=Corrective;10=Computer Planned;20=Human Planned;30=Released;40=Completed;50=Closed.

Property Value
Allowed Values 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value 0
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type smallint
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

State - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


The division of the company, receiving the document. NULL when the document is not received by any specific division

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Cm_Company_Divisions
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

To_Company_Division_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The party which should receive the document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 5
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Parties
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

To_Party_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


The user status of this document if applicable for this document type. NULL means unknown or not yet set

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
Referenced Table Gen_Document_Type_User_Statuses
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

User_Status_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


1 if the document is null and void

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value False
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible no

Void - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals False no no


Reason for voiding the document, entered by the user

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 254
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(254) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no


Date/time when the document has become void

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Void_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None no no


The user who voided the document

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login yes
Visible no