Table of Contents

View Cash_Payment_Balances_View


Entity: Finance.Payments.OrderBalances

Represents the payment orders with their covered amounts. Entity: Cash_Payment_Balances_View (Introduced in version


Name Type Description
Currency_Id uniqueidentifier The currency of amounts.
Direction char(1) Allowed: I, R I for Payment issue, R for payment receipt
Due_Date datetime The due date of the payment. NULL means there is no due date
Due_Start_Date date The date at which the payment becomes executable. NULL means the payment is executable at all times.
Enterprise_Company_Id uniqueidentifier
Is_Invoiced bit When Is_Invoiced = true, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do have a RefInvoiceDocument. If Is_Invoiced = false, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do NOT have a RefInvoiceDocument.
Location_Party_Id uniqueidentifier Location or sub-party of the Party_Id in the order
Order_Amount decimal(18, 2) The total amount of the payment order.
Paid_Amount decimal(38, 2) The paid amount. Taken from released payment transactions.
Party_Id uniqueidentifier The party which is to pay or receive the amount
Payment_Order_Id uniqueidentifier The payment order.
Ref_Document_Date datetime The date of the original document. NULL means that it is unknown
Ref_Document_Id uniqueidentifier The document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. If this column is filled then Ref_Document_Type_Id, Ref_Document_No and Ref_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified document.
Ref_Document_No nvarchar(20) The number of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment
Ref_Document_Type_Id uniqueidentifier The type of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment
Ref_Invoice_Document_Date datetime The date of the related invoice. NULL means that the payment order isn't related to any invoice or the date is unknown.
Ref_Invoice_Document_Id uniqueidentifier The invoice document which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. NULL means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice or the invoice isn't present in the database. If this column is filled then Ref_Invoice_Document_Type_Id, Ref_Invoice_Document_No and Ref_Invoice_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified invoice document.
Ref_Invoice_Document_No nvarchar(20) The number of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. NULL means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice.
Ref_Invoice_Document_Type_Id uniqueidentifier The document type of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. NULL means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice.



The currency of amounts.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Base Table.Column Cash_Payment_Orders.Total_Amount_Currency_Id
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Currencies
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Currency_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


I for Payment issue, R for payment receipt

Property Value
Allowed Values I, R
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value I
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 1
Order 10
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type char(1)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible yes

Direction - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The due date of the payment. NULL means there is no due date

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 9
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Due_Date - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes no


The date at which the payment becomes executable. NULL means the payment is executable at all times.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type date (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Due_Start_Date - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes
GreaterThanOrLessThan None no no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Enterprise_Companies
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Enterprise_Company_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


When Is_Invoiced = true, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do have a RefInvoiceDocument. If Is_Invoiced = false, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do NOT have a RefInvoiceDocument.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Is_Invoiced - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


Location or sub-party of the Party_Id in the order

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Parties
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Location_Party_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The total amount of the payment order.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Base Table.Column Cash_Payment_Orders.Total_Amount
Data Filter no
Default Value 0
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type decimal(18, 2)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Order_Amount - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes no

The paid amount. Taken from released payment transactions.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type decimal(38, 2)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes


The party which is to pay or receive the amount

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 8
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Parties
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Party_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The payment order.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value NewGuid
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Payment_Order_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


The date of the original document. NULL means that it is unknown

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 3
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Ref_Document_Date - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes
GreaterThanOrLessThan None no no


The document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. If this column is filled then Ref_Document_Type_Id, Ref_Document_No and Ref_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified document.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 0
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Documents
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Long
User Login no
Visible yes

Ref_Document_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The number of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Format 0
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 20
Order 2
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(20)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible yes

Ref_Document_No - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The type of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 1
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Document_Types
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Long
User Login no
Visible yes

Ref_Document_Type_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The date of the related invoice. NULL means that the payment order isn't related to any invoice or the date is unknown.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 7
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Ref_Invoice_Document_Date - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


The invoice document which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. NULL means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice or the invoice isn't present in the database. If this column is filled then Ref_Invoice_Document_Type_Id, Ref_Invoice_Document_No and Ref_Invoice_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified invoice document.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 4
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Documents
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Long
User Login no
Visible no

Ref_Invoice_Document_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The number of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. NULL means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Format 0
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 20
Order 6
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(20) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Ref_Invoice_Document_No - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


The document type of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. NULL means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 5
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Document_Types
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Ref_Invoice_Document_Type_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no