Table of Contents

Systems.Monitoring.CurrentSessions View

Namespace: Systems.Monitoring

Sessions dynamic management view. Entity: Dmv_Current_Sessions (Introduced in version


Old name: Systems.Dmv.CurrentSessions
New name: Systems.Monitoring.CurrentSessions
Case: 35911

Default Visualization

Default Display Text Format:
{User}: {Device}
Default Search Members:
Category: DynamicViews
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit.

Aggregate Tree


Name Type Description
AbsoluteExpirationTime datetime Absolute expiration time of the session. Not empty if the session is created by a service appllication. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD
Applications string (64) A comma separated list of client applications that share this session. Required Filter(eq;like) ORD
CurrentRequestsCount int32 The requests count in the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD
Device string (64) The name of the user's device. Required Filter(eq;like) ORD
DownloadMB decimal (12, 3) The downloaded megabytes at the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD
LastRequestTime datetime The last request time. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD
StartTime datetime The login time of the session. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD
TotalRequestsCount int64 The total request count at the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD
UploadMB decimal (12, 3) The uploaded megabytes at the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD
User string (64) The login name of the session's user. Required Filter(eq;like) ORD

Attribute Details


Absolute expiration time of the session. Not empty if the session is created by a service appllication. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD

Type: datetime
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


A comma separated list of client applications that share this session. Required Filter(eq;like) ORD

Type: string (64)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: True
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The requests count in the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD

Type: int32
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The name of the user's device. Required Filter(eq;like) ORD

Type: string (64)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: True
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The downloaded megabytes at the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD

Type: decimal (12, 3)
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The last request time. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD

Type: datetime
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The login time of the session. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD

Type: datetime
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The total request count at the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD

Type: int64
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The uploaded megabytes at the time of the request. Required Filter(ge;le) ORD

Type: decimal (12, 3)
Category: System
Supported Filters: GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: True
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The login name of the session's user. Required Filter(eq;like) ORD

Type: string (64)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, Like
Supports Order By: True
Maximum Length: 64
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


Domain API Query:$top=10

Domain API Query Builder:$top=10