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Logistics.Wms.WarehouseAvailabilityView View

Namespace: Logistics.Wms

The availability of goods in the warehouse locations of the warehouse. Entity: Wms_Warehouse_Availability_Indexed_View (Introduced in version

Default Visualization

Default Display Text Format:
{WarehouseId}: {WarehouseLocationId}
Default Search Members:
Category: Views
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An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit.

Aggregate Tree


Name Type Description
QuantityBaseAvailable decimal (38, 3) Currently available quantity in base measurement unit. Required Filter(eq;ge;le) Introduced in version
StandardQuantityAvailable decimal (38, 3) Currently available theoretical quantity according to the measurement dimensions of the product. It can be used to calculate the quantity available in fixed measurement units like pieces. Required Filter(eq;ge;le) Introduced in version


Name Type Description
LogisticUnit LogisticUnits (nullable) Logistic unit, which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a logistic unit. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_<br />Transactions_Table.Logistic_Unit_Id
Lot Lots (nullable) The lot which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a specific lot. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_<br />Transactions_Table.Lot_Id
Product Products The product, which was transacted. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_<br />Transactions_Table.Product_Id
ProductVariant ProductVariants (nullable) The product variant, which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a product variant. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_<br />Transactions_Table.Product_Variant_Id
SerialNumber SerialNumbers (nullable) The serial number which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a specific serial number. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_<br />Transactions_Table.Serial_Number_Id
Warehouse Warehouses The warehouse in which the transaction occurred. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_<br />Transactions_Table.Warehouse_Id
WarehouseLocation WarehouseLocations The warehouse location, where the transaction occurred. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_<br />Transactions_Table.Warehouse_Location_Id

Attribute Details


Currently available quantity in base measurement unit. Required Filter(eq;ge;le) Introduced in version

Type: decimal (38, 3)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
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Currently available theoretical quantity according to the measurement dimensions of the product. It can be used to calculate the quantity available in fixed measurement units like pieces. Required Filter(eq;ge;le) Introduced in version

Type: decimal (38, 3)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault

Reference Details


Logistic unit, which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a logistic unit. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Logistic_Unit_Id

Type: LogisticUnits (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Logistic_Unit_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
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The lot which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a specific lot. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Lot_Id

Type: Lots (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Lot_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The product, which was transacted. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Product_Id

Type: Products
Category: System
Inherited From: Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Product_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The product variant, which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a product variant. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Product_Variant_Id

Type: ProductVariants (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Product_Variant_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
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The serial number which was transacted. null when the transaction was not for a specific serial number. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Serial_Number_Id

Type: SerialNumbers (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Serial_Number_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The warehouse in which the transaction occurred. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Warehouse_Id

Type: Warehouses
Indexed: True
Category: System
Inherited From: Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Warehouse_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The warehouse location, where the transaction occurred. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Warehouse_Location_Id

Type: WarehouseLocations
Category: System
Inherited From: Wms_Warehouse_Transactions_Table.Warehouse_Location_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


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