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Logistics.Inventory.CurrentBalanceAdjustedCosts View

Namespace: Logistics.Inventory

The current inventory balances with adjustments, grouped by storage key (Store, Product, Lot, etc.). Entity: Inv_Current_Balance_Adjusted_Costs (Introduced in version

Default Visualization

Default Display Text Format:
{BaseCostValue}: {EnterpriseCompanyId}
Default Search Members:
Category: Views
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An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit.

Aggregate Tree


Name Type Description
BaseCost Amount (38, 2) The cost of the inventory in base currency of the enterprise company. Currency: EnterpriseCompany.BaseCurrency Required Filter(eq;ge;le)
ProductCost Amount (38, 2) The cost of the inventory in the products currency. Currency: Product.CostingCurrency Required
QuantityBase Quantity (38, 3) The quantity of the stock received/issued in base measurement unit. Unit: Product.BaseMeasurementCategory.BaseUnit Required Filter(eq;ge;le)
StoreCost Amount (38, 2) The cost of the inventory in the stores currency. Currency: Store.Currency Required


Name Type Description
EnterpriseCompany EnterpriseCompanies The enterprise company which issued the document. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Gen_Documents_Table.Enterprise_Company_Id
Lot Lots (nullable) If non-null, contains the specific lot to use for the movement. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_<br />Lines_Table.Lot_Id
Product Products The item that was received/issued. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_<br />Lines_Table.Product_Id FilterableReference
ProductVariant ProductVariants (nullable) If specified determines which product variant of the current product in this line is used. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_<br />Lines_Table.Product_Variant_Id
SerialNumber SerialNumbers (nullable) Item serial number for serialized items. null for non-serialized items. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_<br />Lines_Table.Serial_Number_Id
Store Stores The store from which the goods are received or issued. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transactions_Table.Store_Id
StoreBin StoreBins (nullable) Store bin, from/to which the transaction was performed. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_<br />Lines_Table.Store_Bin_Id

Attribute Details


The cost of the inventory in base currency of the enterprise company. Currency: EnterpriseCompany.BaseCurrency Required Filter(eq;ge;le)

Type: Amount (38, 2)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
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The cost of the inventory in the products currency. Currency: Product.CostingCurrency Required

Type: Amount (38, 2)
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
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The quantity of the stock received/issued in base measurement unit. Unit: Product.BaseMeasurementCategory.BaseUnit Required Filter(eq;ge;le)

Type: Quantity (38, 3)
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
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The cost of the inventory in the stores currency. Currency: Store.Currency Required

Type: Amount (38, 2)
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault

Reference Details


The enterprise company which issued the document. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Gen_Documents_Table.Enterprise_Company_Id

Type: EnterpriseCompanies
Category: System
Inherited From: Gen_Documents_Table.Enterprise_Company_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
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If non-null, contains the specific lot to use for the movement. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Lot_Id

Type: Lots (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Lot_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
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The item that was received/issued. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Product_Id FilterableReference

Type: Products
Category: System
Inherited From: Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Product_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Filterable Reference: True
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If specified determines which product variant of the current product in this line is used. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Product_Variant_Id

Type: ProductVariants (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Product_Variant_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
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Item serial number for serialized items. null for non-serialized items. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Serial_Number_Id

Type: SerialNumbers (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Serial_Number_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
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The store from which the goods are received or issued. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transactions_Table.Store_Id

Type: Stores
Category: System
Inherited From: Inv_Transactions_Table.Store_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


Store bin, from/to which the transaction was performed. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Store_Bin_Id

Type: StoreBins (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Inv_Transaction_Lines_Table.Store_Bin_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
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