R33718 Document - Notify All Implicit Followers
Name | Value |
Code | R33718 |
Entity | General.Documents.Documents Entity |
Name | NotifyAllImplicitFollowers |
Attribute | State |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | State Changing |
Priority | Late |
Modify | NO |
Action | If (Document.State >= Planned) Then (Notify all implicit followers) |
Description | When the document state changes to Planned+, all users following at least one of the document's references (e.g. the EnterpriseCompany the DocumentType, the Customer for a SalesOrder, etc.) will receive a notification. |
Message | {0} state has been changed to '{1}'. You are notified, because you follow {2}. |
Version | Introduced: 2023 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.