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System permissions

In there are some predefined system permissions that are created in order to serve certain business cases and allow giving or restricting access of particular functionalities in the system. Each system permission has a specific access key ID that is the same in each database. The records for that which system permission is granted to which user groups is kept in the Group access keys table.

We are adding a list with the predefined system permissions and their access key IDs. This information could, for example, be used to monitor the changes of those permissions using the Track changes system.

System permission Access key ID Description
Allow edit persist lot in shipment orders 17f56001-681a-4972-a75f-425e21158e4c
Allow credit limit override in sales orders 39c19335-cdd2-4548-8d0d-b10d5fc9fc9f
Allow edit unit price in offers and sales orders b85c23e3-f314-467a-9022-53e43c08b585
Allow edit historical unit cost in sales orders c88e4f8a-7e55-4029-9615-a7e2b12ddd1b
Allow edit persist lot in sales orders b2a3cef0-e6e3-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66
Allow edit line discount in offers and sales orders e71c31d2-e315-4a72-d021-f3143c08b58a
Allow edit persist lot in store orders aebcc95b-41d1-494e-92f8-e01501b353a8
Allow release of correct logistics transactions that are not validated orders 61e43e33-5bc4-484c-b581-3737e05b0978
Use personal layout views 850945b7-91da-4aa4-9e55-9f8feb72e423
Show more than 2,000 rows d7208a56-2a02-4069-bbe7-a8ce65085094
Show more than 20,000 rows 4a3c7106-e15b-4c97-bae1-5500c0cf47c6
Show more than 200,000 rows 10c58661-8210-4a77-8444-5126b0d99c91
Advanced User 06051ccb-19ef-49f0-a224-2ce2bcea87cf
Super User 0ee5ee4b-3cbc-4fd2-aa50-42b1c5fa1d9a
Server Control c10b3c23-2cf0-470b-b80d-549e0533c190 Give access to Exec Stats