Table of Contents

Forms with activated domain front-end logic

When a domain front-end logic is activated for a particular form, this means that it is activated for all referent panels in this form which are a part of the aggregate.

E.i. if it is activated for the sales ordes form - it is also activated for panels such as Sales orders lines and Payment plan which are a part of the sales order's aggregate, but not for panels such as Document amounts which are a part of the document's aggregate.

Form Activated BindDomainLogic Version
Sales module
Customer Types YES 20.1
CustomerCompanyLocations YES 20.1
Customers YES 20.1
Customers - Companies YES 20.1
Customers - Persons YES 20.1
Dealers YES 20.1
Dealers - Companies YES 20.1
Dealers - Persons YES 20.1
Offers YES 2017.1
Price Lists YES 20.1
Price Types YES 20.1
Sales Orders YES 2017.1
Sales Persons YES 20.1
Deals YES 22.1
Line Discounts YES 22.1
Product Prices YES 22.1
Promotional Packages YES 22.1
POS module
POS Devices YES 20.1
POS Locations YES 20.1
POS Operators YES 20.1
POS Roles YES 20.1
POS Work Terminals YES 20.1
Product Types - Tax Groups YES 20.1
Invoicing module
Invoice Orders YES 20.1
Invoices YES 20.1
Products module
Coding Systems YES 20.1
Measurement Categories YES 20.1
Measurement Units YES 20.1
Product - Pictures YES 20.1
Product Groups YES 20.1
Product Types YES 20.1
Products YES 20.1
Products - Codes YES 20.1
Products - Dimensions YES 20.1
Products - Distribution channels YES 20.1
Products - Variants YES 2017.1
Product variants - Colors YES 22.1
Product variants - Sizes YES 22.1
Product variants - Styles YES 22.1
Configurator module
Product Groups YES 20.1
Products YES 20.1
Product group - Required properties YES
Product - Custom properties YES
Contacts & Tasks module
Activities YES 20.1
ActivityParticipants YES 22.1
Areas YES 20.1
Call detail YES 20.1
Companies YES 20.1
Companies - Departments YES 20.1
Company EU configurator YES 20.1
Contact Mechanisms YES 20.1
Party - Pictures YES 20.1
Party Relationship Types YES 20.1
Party Relationships YES 20.1
Reminders YES 20.1
Resources YES 22.1
Resources - Availability YES 20.1
Resources - Resource instances YES 20.1
Resource Groups YES 22.1
Activities - Time intervals YES 22.1
Companies - Divisions YES 22.1
Companies - Employees YES 22.1
Companies - Locations YES 22.1
Parties YES 22.1
Persons YES 22.1
Marketing module
Bonus Programs YES 20.1
Campaingns YES 20.1
Distribution Channels YES 20.1
Forecast Items YES 20.1
Marketing Activities YES 20.1
Product Catalogs YES 20.1
Target Groups YES 20.1
Distribution module
Customers - Products YES 20.1
Sales Person Groups YES 20.1
Sales Person Targets YES 22.1
Sales Persons YES 20.1
Pricing module
Pricing Models YES 20.1
Products YES 20.1
Types YES
Shipment module
Shipment Orders YES 20.1
Shipments YES 20.1
Inventory Management module
Lots YES 20.1
Products - Default Store Bins YES 20.1
Products - Valuation Groups YES 20.1
Scrap Types YES 20.1
Serial Numbers YES 20.1
Store Bins YES 20.1
Store Groups YES 20.1
Store Orders YES 20.1
Stores YES 20.1
Transactions YES 20.1
Cost Corrections YES 22.1
Reconciliations YES 22.1
Transfer Orders YES 22.1
Logistics Planning module
Product Supply YES 22.1
Procurement module
Receiving Orders YES 20.1
Suppliers YES 20.1
Suppliers - Companies YES 20.1
Suppliers - Persons YES 20.1
Purchase Control Documents YES 22.1
Purchase Operation Types YES 22.1
Purchase Orders YES 22.1
Purchase Price Lists YES 22.1
Purchase Product Prices YES 22.1
Requisitions YES 22.1
Supplier Types YES 22.1
Products and Technologies module
Products YES 20.1
Principal Recipies YES 22.1
Recipies YES 2015
Production Planning module
Product Supply YES 22.1
Resources module
Function Groups YES 22.1
Functions YES 22.1
Operation Groups YES 22.1
Operations YES 22.1
Resource Groups YES 22.1
Resources YES 22.1
Workgroups YES 22.1
Workgroups - Resources YES 22.1
Work Schedules YES 22.1
Shop Floor module
Consumption Orders YES 22.1
Output Orders YES 22.1
Work Orders YES 22.1
Projects Management module
Project Tasks YES 22.1
Projects YES 22.1
Projects - Risks YES 22.1
Projects Budgeting module
Resources YES 22.1
Resource Groups YES 22.1
Gen_Resources - Resource Instances YES 20.1
Resources - Availability YES 20.1
Product Variants YES 22.1
Projects Executuion module
Work Reports YES 22.1
Projects Setup module
Project Types YES 22.1
Project Types - Participants Roles YES 22.1
Project Types - Work Elements YES 22.1
Project Types - Work Types YES 22.1
Task Types YES 22.1
Payments module
Bulk Payment Orders YES 20.1
Parties - Bank Accounts YES 20.1
Payment Accounts YES 20.1
Payment Orders YES 20.1
Payment Reasons YES 20.1
Payment Slips YES 20.1
Payment Transfers YES 20.1
Payment Types YES 20.1
Payment Transactions YES 22.1
Expenses module
Supliers YES 20.1
Supliers - Companies YES 20.1
Supliers - Persons YES 20.1
Purchase Invoice YES 22.1
Accounting module
Account Groups YES
Accounts YES 22.1
Cost Centers YES
Operations YES
Profit Centers YES
Templates YES 22.1
Vouchers NO -
Cost Accounting module
Cost Distributions YES
Cost Types YES
Financial Statements YES
VAT module
Deal Types YES 22.1
Declaring Person YES 22.1
Document Type VAT Codes YES
Entries YES 22.1
VAT Declarations YES
Intrastat module
Intrastat Declarations YES 22.1
Fixed Assets module
Acquire and Retire Orders YES 22.1
Asset Categories YES 22.1
Asset Groups YES 22.1
Asset Transactions YES 22.1
Assets YES 22.1
Depreciation Methods YES 22.1
Depreciation Plans YES 22.1
Depreciations YES 22.1
Valuation Methods YES 22.1
Lease-Out Management module
Asset Groups YES 22.1
Asset Types - Consumables YES 22.1
Asset Types - Properties YES 22.1
Assets YES 22.1
Assets - Consumables YES 22.1
Assets Types YES 22.1
Service module
Service Activities YES 22.1
Service Agreements YES 22.1
Service Object Types YES 22.1
Service Objects YES 22.1
Service Orders YES 22.1
Service Types YES 22.1
Services YES 22.1
Services - Ivoicing YES 22.1
Vehicles module
Crews YES 22.1
Equipment Types YES 22.1
Map Points YES 22.1
Trips YES 22.1
Vehicle Equipment YES 22.1
Vehicle Sets YES 22.1
Vehicles YES 22.1
Mail module
Mail Messages YES 22.1
Mailboxes YES 22.1
Data Warehouse module
Data Measures YES
Data Measures Groups YES
Data Values YES
Personal Data (GDPR) module
Personal Data Management Processes YES 22.1
Processing Consents YES 22.1
Rights Requests YES 22.1
Asset Maintenance module
Maintenance Orders YES 22.1
Maintenance Types Groups YES 22.1
Maintenance Types YES 22.1
Managed Asset Groups YES 22.1
Managed Asset Types YES 22.1
Managed Assets YES 22.1
Service Centers YES 22.1
Tracked Parameters YES 22.1
Administrative Regions YES 22.1
Countries YES 22.1
Currencies YES 22.1
Currency Directories YES
Custom Properties YES 22.1
Custom Properties Categories YES 22.1
Enterprise Companies YES 22.1
Notification Settings YES 22.1
Notifications YES 22.1
Document Model
Document Amount Types YES 22.1
Document Types - Amounts YES
Document Types YES 22.1
Document Types - Security Conditions YES
Printouts YES
Printouts - Layouts YES 22.1
Processes YES 22.1
Routes YES 22.1
Sales Orders - Default Payment Plans YES 22.1
Sequence Generators YES
Sequences YES
Business Rules
Calculated Attributes YES 2018.1
User Business Rules YES 2018.1
Business Processes
Business Processes YES 22.1
Process Elements YES
Process Groups YES 22.1
Process Instance YES 22.1
Process Lanes YES 22.1
Access Keys YES
Audit Log Entries YES 22.1
Column Permissions YES 22.1
Domains YES
Entities YES
Groups YES
Roles YES
Roles - Users YES
Trusted Applications YES
User Groups YES
Users YES
Data Sources YES 22.1
Document Jobs YES
External Applications YES
Jobs YES
Reports YES 22.1
Translations YES 22.1
Web Hosts YES
Web Sites YES