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Warehouse policies

Warehouse policies are a hierarchical system for applying policies when working with the WMS module.

The most important properties that any policy has are policy kind and value. Policy kinds are predifined system types, which specify the usage of the policy. Different policy kinds have different effect on the system. Some kinds manage certain restrictions during the operations execution of operations, others affect the WMS Worker app's interface, while others store important values that are used by the calculation algorithms.

Warehouse policies can be set up for different warehouses, zones or even product groups, depening on the meaning of the kind of the particular policy. We can also specify if one policy is more important than another policy of the same kind, which compliments the hierarchical structure of the policies and allows flexibility.

Available policy kinds

Policy kinds specify what the actual action of the policy is.

The list of the policy kinds is system predifined.

Kind Details
AllowProductChange Description: Allows execution with a different product than the ordered.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders execution in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the line and its value is „false“, then the Product which was initially specified in the Warehouse Order Line cannot be changed during the line execution.

If the user tries to enter a different product, the app will make a negative sound and will display a pop message: “Product change is not allowed. Please select the suggested product.”

Otherwise, the Product can be changed during the execution.
AllowLotChange Description: Allows execution with a different lot than the ordered.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders execution in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the line and its value is „false“, then the Lot (if any) which was initially specified in the Warehouse Order Line cannot be changed during the line execution.

If the user tries to enter a different lot, the app will make a negative sound and will display a pop message: “Lot change is not allowed. Please select the suggested lot.”

Otherwise, the Lot can be changed during the execution.
AllowLocationChange Description: Allows execution from a different location than the ordered.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders execution in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the line and its value is „false“, then the Warehouse Location (if any) which was initially specified in the Warehouse Order Line cannot be changed during the line execution.

If the user tries to enter a different location, the app will make a negative sound and will display a pop message: "Location change is not allowed. Please select the suggested location."

Otherwise, the Location can be changed during the execution.
AllowUnitChange Description:_ Allows execution of a quantity in a different measurement unit than the ordered.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders execution in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the line and its value is „false“, then the Quantity Unit which was initially specified in the Warehouse Order Line cannot be changed during the line execution.

If the user tries to enter a different quantity unit, the app will make a negative sound and will display a pop message: "Quantity Unit change is not allowed. Please select the suggested quantity unit."

Otherwise, the Unit can be changed during the execution.
RequireSourceScan Description: Requires scanning of the source location when receiving, moving or dispatching.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders execution in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the line and its value is „true“, then the interface of the Location screen won‘t allow easy selection of the Warehouse Location.

The USE button will be hidden and the selection through the availability table will be inactive.
RequireDestinationScan Description: Requires scanning of the destination location when moving.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders execution in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the line and its value is „true“, then the interface of the Destination screen won‘t allow easy selection of the Warehouse Location.

The USE button will be hidden and the selection through the availability table will be inactive.
RequireProductScan Description: Requires scanning of the product.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders execution in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the line and its value is „true“, then the interface of the Product screen won‘t allow easy selection of the Product.

The USE button will be hidden and the selection through the availability table will be inactive.
AllowLineSkip Description: Allows skipping of an order line when executing (allow quantity = 0).

Not planned for release at the moment.
ZoneType Description: Specifies the type of zone for receiving, shipping, packing, etc.
Can be saved only if the Warehouse and Zone fields are filled in.
The policy is hierarchical, this means that if it set for a particular zone it will applies to all of its subzones.

Possible values: picking, packing, receiving, shipping, and storage.

Action: Currenty only the picking value is taken into account of the algorithms. It is used by the Suggest warehouse locations funtion.
KittingControllingLevel Description: Used when working with composite products. Specifies the level of control during the kitting of the composite product’s components.

Possible values: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

Action: Depends on the specified level. For more information, see Levels of control for composite products .
DekittingControllingLevel Description: Used when working with composite products. Specifies the level of control during the dekitting of the composite product.

Possible values: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

Action: Depends on the specified level. For more information, see Levels of control for composite products .
GS1SSCCCompanyPrefix Description: Used when working with logistic units and GS1 SSCC barcodes. Specifies the GS1 company prefix issued by the national GS1 organization.

Possible values: а digit number

Action: Used by alghorithm that generates SSCC codes of the logistic units.
GS1SSCCNextSerial Description: Used when working with logistic units and GS1 SSCC barcodes. Specifies the next reference serial number used when generating SSCC codes. А digit number acting as a counter: e.g. 0000001, 0000002… Must be set up after the GS1SSCCCompanyPrefix policy, because its allowed lenght depends on the GS1SSCCCompanyPrefix value's lenght.

Possible values: а digit number, with lenght that is equal to "16 - GS1CompanyPrefix value's lenght".

Action: Used by alghorithm that generates SSCC codes of the logistic units.
CustomRouting Description: Specifies a custom routing, based on a user-defined attribute of the locations. The policy specifies the code of the user-defined attribute, whose values contain the sequence of the route. The custom routing is employed by the Suggest Routing function and can be defined only at warehouse level.

Possible values: all values are possible, but only a value of a Custom Property Code, which has values in the Warehouse Locations table will affect the Suggest Routing Function

Action: The Suggest Routing function in the Warehouse Order Execution will use the Custom Property Values in the Warehouse Locations panel. The Suggest Routings function will suggest Locations in the order described in the Custom Property Values. The values are taken as a string, so you have to write the values in this format 001,002,003...010..100.

The policy can be defined only at warehouse level.
UnassignedOrdersSectionVisibility Description: Depending on your warehouse's organization, you can prevent warehouse workers from seeing and taking Unassigned orders.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders list in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „false“, then the Unassigned section will be hidden from the Workers' orders list in this Warehouse.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „true“ or there is no defined policy, then the Unassigned section will be visible in the Workers' orders list in this Warehouse.

The policy can be defined only at warehouse level.
StartedByOthersSectionVisibility Description: Depending on your warehouse's organization, you can prevent warehouse workers from seeing and joining Started by others orders.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders list in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „false“, then the Stared by Others section will be hidden from the Workers' orders list in this Warehouse.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „true“ or there is no defined policy, then the Started by Others section will be visible in the Workers' orders list in this Warehouse.

The policy can be defined only at warehouse level.
AssignedToOthersSectionVisibility Description: Depending on your warehouse's organization, you can prevent warehouse workers from seeing and taking Assigned to Others orders.

Possible values: true, false

Action: Used in the Orders list in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „false“, then the Assigned to Others section will be hidden from the Workers' orders list in this Warehouse.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „true“ or there is no defined policy, then the Assigned to Others section will be visible in the Workers' orders list in this Warehouse.

The policy can be defined only at warehouse level.
LogisticUnitScreenVisibility Description: When executing an order line, with this policy you can decide when a logistic unit screen is visible.

Possible values: always, default, never

Action: Used in the Executing orders' lines in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „always“, then the Logistic Unit screen will always show up when executing lines.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „default“ or there is no defined policy, then the Logistic Unit screen will show up only if you selected one in the Warehouse Order Line before executing it with the WMS Worker. And also when there is an availability in some Logistic unit for this Product.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „never“, then the Logistic Unit screen will never show up when executing lines.
BarcodeScanEntersQuantityOfOnePce Description: If no quantity is entered, scanning a barcode in the SCAN field enters 1 PCE.

Possible values: true/false

Action: Used in the Executing orders' lines in the WMS Worker app.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „true“, then If no quantity is entered, scanning a barcode in the SCAN field enters 1 PCE.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „false“ or there is no defined policy, the default behavior is used. A quantity of 1 PCE will not be entered and the quantity is expected to be entered in the quantity screen.

Note: If more quantity is scanned, for example, 300 PCE (300*), and then the barcode is scanned, the accepted quantity will be 300 PCE. But this has always happened regardless of the policy value.
RoutingAlgorithm Description: Used for Suggest Routing UI function in Warehouse Order Lines.The policy specifies how the UI function will be executed, depence of the value of this policy.

Possible values: fixed, smart

Action: If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „fixed“, the suggested locations will follow exactly the string of their addresses or their Priorities defined by the Custom Routing policy. There won't be any considerations about the availability of the locations, except for the zero quantities.

If there is an applicable policy to the Warehouse and its value is „smart“ or there is no defined policy, then default behavior is used. The suggested locations again will follow the string of their addresses or their Priorities defined by the Custom Routing policy, but also their availabilities will be consider.

The policy can be defined only at warehouse level.


You set up each warehouse policy by defining the conditions where it applies, to which products and for how long.

Each warehouse policy can apply to:

  • Warehouse

  • Zone and its sub-zones

  • Product group and its sub-groups

  • Product type

  • Specific product

  • From date

  • To date


Some policies can be applied only at the warehouse or zone level.


Policies have importance. When evaluating a policy, the setting with the highest importance is applied.

For example, if a policy is applied to a root zone and to a sub-zone, the importance of the sub-zone setting determines which setting will be applied:

  • If the sub-zone setting has higher priority, it will be applied.

This can be used for hierarchical application of policies for zones.

  • If the root zone setting has higher priority, it will be applied.

This can be used for root zone (or even warehouse level) setting, which overrides the setting for specific zones.

Importance is an integer value, allowing even negative numbers (for very low importance).