Dekit task type
The Dekit task type is used when working with Composite Products. It can usually be seen in Warehouse Order Lines that are a result of the document generation of the procurement document flow when it contains composite products.
The purpose of the Dekit task type is to report the dekitting (receiving) of the composite product to the parent line and to carry out control.
The Dekit task type lines do NOT create Warehouse Transactions, as the availability of the composite product itself is kept in the Inventory module. Though, the Dekit line's purpose is very important because it creates DocumentFulfillments to the parent line. With this, it informs it that all components of the composite product are received and therefore the parent line is fullfilled.
The control during the dekitting process depends on the specified level. For more information, see Levels of control for composite products.
The Warehouse Order Lines with Dekit task type can be executed using the WMS Worker or the Execute lines function. Note that Dekit lines can only be executed after all of its components' receive lines have completed execution.
The Dekit task type lines do NOT create Warehouse Transaction, as the availability of the composite product is kept in the Inventory module. It creates only a DocumentFulfillment, as follows:
Document = WarehouseOrder
DocumentLineId = WarehouseOrderLineId
LineNo = WarehouseOrderLine.LineNo
FulfillmentType = Completed
IsFinal = false
LineType = Line
QuantityBase = WarehouseOrder.QuantityBase
StandardQuantity = WarehouseOrder.StandardQuantity
Product = WarehouseOrder.Product
Lot = WarehouseOrder.Lot
SerialNumber = WarehouseOrder.SerialNumber
ProductVariant = WarehouseOrder.ProductVariant
CreationUser = CurrentUser
CreationTimeUtc = NOW(Utc)
DestinationEntityName = n/a