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Document print images

Document print images contain the data of a printout of a document as it was obtained at the moment of printing.

This data is used as a history in order to review the visual representation of the printed document.

Delete old images

Document print images often take the most space in customer databases.

One means of managing them is to delete the more obsolete records periodically. This can be done with the Deletе old document print images system job.

However, there is a way to not even track print images records in the first place - for further details, please refer to the Enable or disable print images tracking section.

Enable or disable print images tracking

A setting is available to control the tracking of print images for all documents of a specific type.

This functionality is configured through the "Track Print Images" field within the Document Type definition.

The available settings are:

  • Do not track - prevents print images of all documents of the respective type from being automatically stored. This can be useful for scenarios where print image tracking is unnecessary or unwanted.

  • Save source data (compressed) - enables the tracking of visual representations of printed documents of the respective type. These images are compressed for efficient storage and are available for preview within the system.