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Currency revaluation algorithm

This topic describes the currency revaluation algorithm of accounts have balances in a currency other than the base currency when the revalution is performed using accounting operations.

Input data

  • an accounting Operation document
  • a list of Accounts - it is derived from the accounts indicated in the lines of the accounting template set up for the Operation document, where "Amount Column Name" == "Debit Exchange Difference" OR "Credit Exchange Difference"
  • Date of revaluation - it is derived from the Document Date of Operation
  • Currency directory - it is derived from the Currency Directory set in Operation
  • Accounting vouchers

The algorithm action:

  1. Get all currencies included in the Currency directory

  2. Calculate Balance и BalanceBase for the Date of revaluation for each Account, Currency, Item Key, CostCenter, ProfitCenter and ReferencedDocument.

    1.1. If CurrencyValuationMethod != Balance_Reference_Document.

    Then data is grouped by Account, Currency, Item Key, CostCenter, ProfutCenter. (ReferencedDocument = NULL).

    1.2. If CurrencyValuationMethod = Balance_Reference_Document

    Then data is grouped by Account, Currency, Item Key, CostCenter, ProfutCenter and ReferencedDocument.

  3. Calculate the Amount in base currency of the Exchange difference for each group
    Amount = RoundAmount(BaseCurrency, Balance * CurrencyDirectoryLine.RateMultiplier / CurrencyDirectoryLine.RateDivisor) - BalanceBase)

NOTE: If (templateline.AmountColumnName == Debit_Exchange_Differenc && Amount > 0) OR (templateline.AmountColum_Name == Credit_Exchange_Difference && Amount < 0), then it is considered that Amount = 0

  1. Create an Accounting voucher with the calculated base currency amounts of the differences for each group.
    Amount (Currency, Account, ItemKey, CostCenter, ProfitCenterI, ReferencedDocument)