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Product groups

Product groups form a hierarchical tree structure of the products. allows multiple groups with different names and characteristics to be created. Each product group can contain an unlimited number of products which are grouped together according to different criteria. It is strongly recommended that products are grouped in a meaningful way, as they could inherit certain properties from the groups.

Product groups could also facilitate the creation of the individual products. For example, in their definition, it could be set:

  • Next part number – a part number to be auto assigned to the products created in the group or the sub-group;

  • Default measurement unit - a measurement unit to be auto assigned to the products created in the group or the sub-group;

  • Product name mask – specifies a mask for the name of the products created in the group or the sub-group. The function allows creation of more accurate names that follow a certain pattern. The mask needs to be set for each language separately.

Product groups could also contain other important settings, such as 'Product group required properties', 'Principal recipes', 'Product supply', etc.