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FormattedString is a parameter type of the user business rules actions, introduced in version 2020.1.
It represents a text which supports multi-line, variable interpolation, and variable formatting.

This parameter type is typically used with NOTIFYUSER.

Functionalities which can be used in the value of the formatted string parameter are:

  • escape charts

The following are handled:

\n - newline - supported in the Body.

\r\n - also new line - supported in the Body.

\{ - insert opening curly bracket '{' in output.

\} - insert closing curly bracket '}' in output.

  • variable interpolation

This allows specifying variables into a string using placeholders. When these placeholders are executed, they're replaced with their corresponding values.

In, those variables are domain attributes - both system domain and calculated attributes.

When called, the domain attribute value is calculated for the particular entity record for which the rule is executed. In order to specify a placeholder, a.k.a call a domain attribute in text, you must specify the domain attribute name in curly brackets '{...}'.

Currently, the following options are supported:

a. Attributes: {DocumentDate}, {#CalsulatedAttribute1}, {@CustomProperty1}.
b. References: {Customer}.
c. Reference path: {Customer.Party.PartyName}. Note that child collections are not supported.

  • variable formatting

The value of the domain attributes which will be loaded in the text can be formatted.
This is achieved using format specifiers: {DocumentDate:dd-MM-yyyy}.


Using formatted string, this text

 Your web store has a new order!\r\n\n\{SUMMARY\} \nNumber: {DocumentNo}\nOrder date: {DocumentDate:dd-MM-yyyy}\nShipping address:
 {ShipToPartyContactMechanism.ContactMechanism.Name}\nOrder total: {#CalculatedAttributeTotalSalesOrderAmount:C}

will be returned as:

 Your web store has a new order!

 order number: 00329
 order date: 10-05-2019
 shipping address: 21 Lombard St
 delivery date: 12-05-2019
 order total: $14.82