Whole quantity validation
If a business logic requires only whole numbers, a user business rule can be set to check users' work.
For example, a validation of a sales order lines may be applied with the following data:
Repository: Crm.Sales.SalesOrderLines
Events - COMMIT
Action - FAIL + Parameter1Type = Constant + Parameter1 Value = "You have entered decimal number as a quantity. Please, check the data entered in the sales order lines and try again!"
Conditions: check if the calculated attribute from the example in here is equal to 'False'
When this user business rule is activated and you try to release a sales order with the following lines,
- line 10 - product A - Quantity 5.05
- line 20 - product B - Quantity 5.00
the system would return an error with the text you entered in the action of the user business rule:
You have entered decimal number as a quantity.
Please, check the data entered in the sales order lines and try again!
With this user business rule activated, if the sales order has the following lines,
- line 10 - product A - Quantity 5.00
- line 20 - product B - Quantity 5.00
the release of the document would be possible.