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Layer Back-end
Description Occurs for the aggregate root when saving a change of an aggregate object, but only when the change is made by a client application. If it's made by the server, the event won't be triggered.
Version Introduced: 2019.1, Updated:-

This event is a variation of the CLIENT COMMIT event. It allows triggering user business rules for objects which are an aggregate root. This can happen when there's a change for the object itself and/or when some of its referent objects are edited.

Let's take a look at the following structure - a single aggregate in

  • sales order (which is the aggregate's root)
  • sales order lines of this sales order
  • distributed amounts for each of these sales order lines
  • document amounts of this sales order
  • payment plan of this sales order

In the example above, a CLIENT COMMIT event would occur for the sales order only if its object has changed. The AGGREGATE CLIENT COMMIT will occur if any of the objects in the aggregate have changed. Changing just a single sales order line without changing the order itself still triggers the aggregate event.

In summary, a user business rule with an aggregate client commit event will be triggered when:

  • the saving is performed by a client application;

  • the repository of the user business rule is an aggregate root entity;

  • there's a change for the aggregate root or for some of its constituent objects.