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This action type is used to implicitly update information or data in the system. When all conditions of a business rules are met and a specified event happens, SETVALUE updates the value of the specified attribute available for the repository, including custom properties of the particular entity.

The action requires the following parameters:

  • Parameter 1 - the updated (or set) value. Currently, the available parameter type is 'Attribute'.

You should enter the name of the attribute whose value needs to be modified.

  • Parameter 2 - the value set in Parameter 1. The available parameter types are 'Attribute' and 'Constant'.

    • If the parameter type is 'Attribute', select the name of the attribute in the parameter value.
      This value will be used to as a value for Parameter 1.
    • If the parameter type is 'Constant', enter a constant in the parameter value.
      Every time the user business rule is executed, Parameter 1 will be set to a constant value.

The format of the different types of constants is described here.


Event type Event parameter Execution priority
Change of state RELEASING Normal
Action No Action type Parameter1 type Parameter1 value Parameter2 type Parameter2 value
1 SETVALUE Attribute Notes Constant 'Approved'