Amounts calculation
There are two common ways to determine the value of additional amounts:
- setting an explicit amount;
- setting an amount as a percent of other amounts (additional or base amounts from the document rows)
Which method is used depends on the information iserted into the the Additional Document Amounts panel of the document and the corresponding Input Percent, Input Amount and Input Amount Currency fields.
Usually, you either set a value in the Input Percent field and leave the other two empty,
or set a value for Input Amount and Input Amount Currency and leave the remaining one empty.
In the additional amount definition, you can control which method for determining the additional amount value is allowed. This is achieved by the Amount Input Allowed and Percent Input Allowed fields.
If the second one is True, you can set a default percent value which will appear in the documents.
The values entered in Input Percent and Input Amount can be managed by the Allowed Directions field:
- when ‘Allow only positive’ is selected, you can only enter numbers bigger than or equal to 0;
- when ‘Allow only negative’ is selected, you can only enter numbers less than or equal to 0;
- when ‘Allow all’ is selected, there are no limitations to the value entered in the fields.
In both methods, the program calculates an end amount rounded to a specific number of digits after the decimal point. This is an option of the additional amount definition – the Round Scale field.
The round scale itself isn't used in the end amount. It's used as an intermediate amount for amount distribution. The rounded amounts are always limited to the second digit after the decimal point before being saved in the database.