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Specification Value
Description Performs a string interpolation, according to the context of the input or explicitly passed object.
Parameter 1 Name InterpolatedString
Parameter 1 Type string
Parameter 2 Name InterpolationContext (optional)
Parameter 2 Type object (DomainObject)
Parameter 3 Name -
Parameter 3 Type -
Return value Returns a string, result from the string interpolation.

The interpolate operator fully depends on the string interpolation functionality.

All expressions in Parameter 1 must conform to the specification.



The repository of the calculated attribute is Crm.Customers.

Let's try with something simple. We'll get the country name of the enterprise company for each customer. In English.

10: INTERPOLATE CONST: Customer's enterprise company country of origin: {EnterpriseCompany.Company.Country.Name:en}

Enterprise company country of origin: Bulgaria

The essential part of the CONST parameter is enclosed in curly braces {}. It means the following:

  • { - start of a single interpolated string expression.
  • EnterpriseCompany - follow the enterprise company reference of the customer.
  • .Company - follow the company reference of the enterprise company.
  • .Country - follow the country reference.
  • .Name - get the Name attribute.
  • :en - because it's a multilanguage string - show it in English.
  • } - end of the interpolated string expression.

Now let's involve a system variable.

10: INTERPOLATE CONST: What year is it? {$datetime:yyyy}; Who am I? {$user.Name:en}.

What year is it? 2023; Who am I? John Doe EXPLAINED:

  • $datetime is the system variable for the current date and time.
  • It's followed by the :yyyy format specifier, "extracting" just the year part.
  • $user is the currently logged in user.
  • And with .Name we're getting its Name attribute.
  • :en in English.

This example wasn't very practical, but it demonstrates a powerful feature- the system variables.

The next example is something quite useful. We'll define a calculated attribute, returning its data in JSON format. Just with a single line.

10: INTERPOLATE CONST: {{"Timestamp": "{$datetimeutc}", "Id": "{Id}", "Number": "{Number}", "Active": {Active}, "Name": "{Party.PartyName:en}", "SalesPerson": "{SalesPerson.Person.PartyName:en}"}}


   "Timestamp":"2023-01-18 12:46:37",
   "Name":"Test PK 1",

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