Table of Contents


Specification Value
Description Evaluates an expression and returns a specified value if the expression returns an error.
Otherwise returns the value of the expression itself.
Parameter 1 Name Value
Parameter 1 Type any type
Parameter 2 Name ValueIfError
Parameter 2 Type any type
Parameter 3 Name
Parameter 3 Type
Return value When the expression returns a value other than error, then the value of the Parameter 1 is returned.
When the expression evaluates to an error, then the value of the Parameter 2 is returned.


10: IFERROR EXP:20 CONST:'Error in calculation'  
20: DIVIDE CONST:2.00 ATTRIB:QuantityValue 

If 'QuantityValue = 1.00', the output will be 2.
If 'QuantityValue = 0.00', the output will be 'Error in calculation'.


The repository of the attribute is Crm.Sales.SalesOrderLines