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User calculated attributes

User calculated attributes are user-defined objects which extend the system entities.

They're defined like formulas.

When the value of a calculated attribute is requested, it's calculated "on the fly", in real-time.


Calculated attribute formulas are compiled to native executable format.
Their calculation speed is very similar to the speed of the system-defined calculated attributes.

Example 1 - Get default payment term days

Suppose that in a sales order, you want to display the customers default payment term (in days).

You can define the following calculated attribute:

No Operation Param1 Param2 Param3
10 GETOBJVALUE REF:Customer ATTRIB:DefaultPaymentTermDays


  • **GETOBJVALUE ** - gets information from a related entity. The related entity is specified in Param1.
    The desired information is specified in Param2.
  • Line number 10 is the only line in the calculated attribute
  • The return value is the value of the attribute DefaultPaymentTermDays in the customer entity.

Example 2 - Complex filter and summation

The following calculated attribute sums all sales order lines, the product of which:

  • has a user data attribute called 'CustPropPrj', equal to '500'
  • has a name containing the word 'Tool'
No Operation Param1 Param2 Param3
10 SUM EXP:20 ATTRIB:LineAmount
30 IN ATTRIB:Product EXP:40
40 FILTER QUERY:Gen_Products EXP:50
50 AND EXP:60 EXP:70


  • Line 10: Iterates through the data set on Line 20 (EXP:20); SUMs the attribute LineAmount.
  • Line 20: Filters the lines subset with the filter specified in Line 30 (EXP:30).
  • Line 30: Creates a filter which is satisfied only by products in the query on Line 40 (EXP:40).
  • Line 40: Creates a query, which filters the products with the condition specified on Line 50.
  • Line 50: Specifies that the condition is comprised of two conditions linked with AND.
  • Line 60: Specifies that the first condition is the value of an attribute called 'CustPropPrj' should be '500'.
  • Line 70: Specifies that the second condition is that the name of the product should contain 'Tool'.

Attributes can calculate complicated formulas, query the database and get related values.

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