Table of Contents

Check if a user has authorization

To determine if a logged-in user is authorized to do, see, or edit an entity, you need to know which group has such rights. You can then create a calculated attribute that checks if the user is part of that group:

10: IIF EXP:20 CONST:True CONST:False         
20: GTE EXP:30 CONST:1                                        
30: SUM EXP:40 CONST:1                                       
40: SELECT REPO:Systems.Security.UserGroups EXP:50                             
50: WHERE EXP:60 EXP:80                                                                       
60: EQUAL ATTRIB:UserId EXP:70                                     
70: GETOBJVALUE INPUT:10 SYS:UserId                                           
80: EQUAL ATTRIB:GroupId CONST:5daf849d-9986-462f-9171-a23c1c5839b7                


  • 10: Check the state of EXP:20. If it's true - the calculated attribute displays 'True', if else - 'False'.
  • 20: Check if the list EXP:30 returns at least one record.
  • 30: Return the count of records in the filtered list of EXP:40.
  • 40: Select 'User Groups' filtered by EXP:50.
  • 50: The filters are expression 60, expression 80...
  • 60: Check if UserId is equal to EXP:70.
  • 70: Get the Id of the user that is currently editing the entity.
  • 80: Check if the GroupId is equal to the Id of an authorized group.