Table of Contents

Table Llm_Compilations


Entity: Projects.AI.Compilations

Compilation is created, when a Model is being compiled through the AI provider into a conversational model. Entity: Llm_Compilations (Introduced in version


Name Type Description
Build_Log nvarchar(max) Readonly Detailed log of the build process of the compilation.
Compilation_Id uniqueidentifier PK
Compiled_Model_Name nvarchar(256) Readonly The name of the model, which was created in the providers space, as a result of the compilation.
Completion_Time_Utc datetime Readonly The time, when the compilation has completed.
Error_Message nvarchar(max) Readonly Human-readable error message indicating the problem, when a build is not successful.
Is_Successful bit Readonly Indicated whether the build process was successful and the compilation can be used for conversations.
Model_Id uniqueidentifier Readonly The model, on which the compilation is based.
Row_Version timestamp
Start_Time_Utc datetime Readonly The time, when the compilation was started.
Status nvarchar(1) Allowed: N, R, C, D, Readonly The status of the build job of the compilation. Building the compilation runs through New, Running and Completed. Deleting the compilation from the providers space marks it as Deleted.
User_Id uniqueidentifier Readonly The user, who started the compilation.



Detailed log of the build process of the compilation.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 2147483647
Order 6
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(max) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value NewGuid
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 0
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key yes (order: 1)
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Compilation_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The name of the model, which was created in the providers space, as a result of the compilation.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 256
Order 5
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(256) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Compiled_Model_Name - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no
Like None no no


The time, when the compilation has completed.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 4
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Completion_Time_Utc - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no
GreaterThanOrLessThan None no no


Human-readable error message indicating the problem, when a build is not successful.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 2147483647
Order 9
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(max) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes


Indicated whether the build process was successful and the compilation can be used for conversations.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value False
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 8
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Is_Successful - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The model, on which the compilation is based.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 1
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
Referenced Table Llm_Models
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Model_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 10
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type timestamp
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


The time, when the compilation was started.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value CurrentDateTimeUtc
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Start_Time_Utc - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no
GreaterThanOrLessThan None no no


The status of the build job of the compilation. Building the compilation runs through New, Running and Completed. Deleting the compilation from the providers space marks it as Deleted.

Property Value
Allowed Values N, R, C, D
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value N
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 1
Order 7
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type nvarchar(1)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

Status - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


The user, who started the compilation.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 3
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
Referenced Table Sec_Users
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes

User_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no