Table of Contents

Table Cm_Companies


Entity: General.Contacts.Companies

Contains company definitions. Entity: Cm_Companies

Owner Tables Hierarchy


Name Type Description
Branch_Number int Branch number of the company. Companies with equal names and/or registration numbers can be inserted only if their branch numbers are different.
City nvarchar(64) ML The city in which the company is registered.
Company_Id uniqueidentifier PK Unique company Id
Company_Name nvarchar(254) ML
Country_Id uniqueidentifier The country, where the company is registered.
Creation_Time datetime Readonly
Creation_User nvarchar(64) Readonly
Is_VAT_Cash_Reporting_Registered bit When true, specifies that the company uses the special VAT Cash Reporting Mode.
Is_VAT_Registered bit Determines wheather the company is included in VAT registers.
Party_Id uniqueidentifier Base party Id
Registration_Number nvarchar(16) Unique, government-assigned registration number. NULL means unknown
Registration_Primary_Address nvarchar(254) ML The primary registration address of the company.
Registration_Responsible_Person_Id uniqueidentifier The personal record of the primary responsible person as per registration. NULL means unknown
Registration_Type nvarchar(16) ML Legal registration type - like LTD., PLC, etc. NULL means unknown
Registration_VAT_Number nvarchar(16) VAT registration number where applicable. NULL means that VAT number is not applicable or unknown
Responsible_Person_Name nvarchar(64) ML Primary responsible person of the company. NULL means unknown.
Row_Version timestamp
Update_Time datetime Readonly
Update_User nvarchar(64) Readonly



Branch number of the company. Companies with equal names and/or registration numbers can be inserted only if their branch numbers are different.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value 0
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 12
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type int
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible yes

Branch_Number - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


The city in which the company is registered.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 13
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (MultiLanguage) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

City - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no no


Unique company Id

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value NewGuid
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 0
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key yes (order: 1)
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Company_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 254
Order 3
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(254) (MultiLanguage) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Company_Name - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes
Like None no no


The country, where the company is registered.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 7
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Countries
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Country_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Creation_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login yes
Visible no

Creation_User - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no yes


When true, specifies that the company uses the special VAT Cash Reporting Mode.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value False
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible yes


Determines wheather the company is included in VAT registers.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value False
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 8
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type bit
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Short
User Login no
Visible yes


Base party Id

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 1
Ownership Reference yes
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Gen_Parties
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Party_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL no yes


Unique, government-assigned registration number. NULL means unknown

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 16
Order 6
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(16) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Registration_Number - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no
Like None no no


The primary registration address of the company.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 254
Order 5
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(254) (MultiLanguage) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 200
User Login no
Visible yes

Registration_Primary_Address - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no yes


The personal record of the primary responsible person as per registration. NULL means unknown

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 11
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
Referenced Table Cm_Persons
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN yes
Type uniqueidentifier (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no

Registration_Responsible_Person_Id - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes no


Legal registration type - like LTD., PLC, etc. NULL means unknown

Property Value
Auto Complete yes
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 16
Order 4
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(16) (MultiLanguage) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Registration_Type - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


VAT registration number where applicable. NULL means that VAT number is not applicable or unknown

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 16
Order 9
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable yes
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(16) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Registration_VAT_Number - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Equals NULL yes yes


Primary responsible person of the company. NULL means unknown.

Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 10
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (MultiLanguage) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible yes

Responsible_Person_Name - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop yes
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly no
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type timestamp
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width Medium
User Login no
Visible no


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length -1
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type datetime (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login no
Visible no

Update_Time - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
GreaterThanOrLessThan None yes yes


Property Value
Auto Complete no
Data Filter no
Default Value None
Enter Stop no
Ignore for Insert Order no
Is Entity Name no
Max Length 64
Order 2147483647
Ownership Reference no
Pasword no
Picture no
Primary Key no
Readonly yes
RTF no
Sortable no
Summary Type None
Supports EQUALS_IN no
Type nvarchar(64) (Allows NULL)
UI Memo Editor no
UI Width 100
User Login yes
Visible no

Update_User - Supported Filters

Filter Type Default Include Nulls Hidden by Default
Like None no yes