LOG0201 Create Store transactions

Basic Information

Module Logistics.Inventory
Code LOG0201
Parent Document StoreOrder
Sub-document StoreTransaction
Full Name Create Store transactions
Deterministic YES
Supports Transitional Documents NO
Replaces GenerateTransactions
Orphan Rows Ignore
Introduced In Version 2018.2
Date of Suspension -

Business Logic

This Generation is used to create Store Transactions from Store Orders (the Store Transactions are almost identical copies of the orders). They are used in cases when the execution of the orders is not performed by a user through a specialized navigator, but instead should be done automatically when generating or releasing the Store Order.

Unlike "LOG0202 Create Unmanaged Store transaction" the current generation checks whether "Direct order execution" in the Store’s definition is check-marked and creates a sub-document if it is. Otherwise, no sub-document is created.

The Store Transaction’s header is created based on the Store Order’s header as follows:

Transaction.ParentStoreOrder = StoreOrder

Transaction.Store = StoreOrder.Store

Transaction.MovementType = StoreOrder.MovementType

Transaction.DocumentCurrency = StoreOrder.DocumentCurrency

The attributes which are not specified here are filled in as described in Standard Document Attributes


The new store transaction is saved then and only when there is at least one line in it.


Name StoreOrderLineToStoreTransactionLine
Parent Entity StoreOrderLine
Child Entity StoreTransactionLine
Parent / Child Relationship StoreTransactionLine.ParentDocument = StoreOrder;StoreTransactionLine.ParentLineNo = StoreOrderLine.LineNo


Fulfillment Name Metric Name Measurement Unit Parent Value Child Value New Record
StoreOrderLineToStoreTransactionLine MStandardQuantityBase StoreOrderLine.Product.BaseMeasurementUnit StoreOrderLine.StandardQuantityBase StoreTransactionLine.StandardQuantityBase if there is atleast one Child.StoreTransactionLine where Finished = TRUE
, then 'New Record = NO'
,else 'New Record = YES'
StoreOrderLineToStoreTransactionLine MQuantity StoreOrderLine.QuantityUnit StoreOrderLine.Quantity StoreTransactionLine.Quantity NO
StoreOrderLineToStoreTransactionLine MQuantityBase StoreOrderLine.Product.BaseMeasurementUnit StoreOrderLine.QuantityBase StoreTransactionLine.QuantityBase NO
StoreOrderLineToStoreTransactionLine MLineCost StoreOrder.DocumentCurrency StoreOrderLine.LineCost StoreTransactionLine.LineCost if (StoreOrder.MovementType == Receipt)
, then 'New Record = YES'
,else 'New Record = NO'

The lines of the new document are created based on the data for the Fulfilled Part of quantities by Store Transactions that are already created (for more information, see topic Discrepancy System). The new StoreTransactionLine is created as follows:

StoreTransactionLine.LineNo = StoreOrderLine.LineNo

StoreTransactionLine.ParentStoreOrderLine = StoreOrderLine

StoreTransactionLine.StoreBin = IFF (StoreOrderLine.StoreBin != NULL, StoreOrderLine.StoreBin, IFF(ProductDefaultStoreBin(Product == StoreTransactionLine.Product && Store = StoreOrder.Store).Count() == 1, ProductDefaultStoreBin.DefaultBin, StoreOrder.Store.DefaultStoreBin))

StoreTransactionLine.OriginalProduct = StoreOrderLine.Product

StoreTransactionLine.Product = StoreOrderLine.Product

StoreTransactionLine.Lot = StoreOrderLine.Lot

StoreTransactionLine.SerialNumber = StoreOrderLine.SerialNumber

StoreTransactionLine.Quantity = StoreOrderLine.REMAINING(MQuantity)

StoreTransactionLine.QuantityUnit = StoreOrderLine.QuantityUnit

StoreTransactionLine.QuantityBase = StoreOrderLine.REMAINING(MQuantityBase)

StoreTransactionLine.StandardQuantityBase = StoreOrderLine.REMAINING(MStandardQuantityBase)

StoreTransactionLine.Notes = StoreOrderLine.Notes

StoreTransactionLine.UnitCost = StoreOrderLine.UnitCost

StoreTransactionLine.LineCost = if (StoreOrder.MovementType == Receipt) {StoreTransactionLine.LineCost = StoreOrderLine.REMAINING(MLineCost)}, else {StoreTransactionLine.LineCost = 0.00}

StoreTransactionLine.GuaranteePeriodDays = StoreOrderLine.GuaranteePeriodDays

StoreTransactionLine.ParentLineId = StoreOrderLine.ParentLineId

StoreTransactionLine.ProductVariant = StoreOrderLine.ProductVariant

StoreTransactionLine.ParentLineNo = StoreOrderLine.LineNo

StoreTransactionLine.TransactionTimestamp = StoreOrderLine.TransactionTimestamp