CRM1002 Create Offers
General Information
Module | Crm.Presales |
Code | CRM1002 |
Parent Document | Deals |
Sub-document | Offers |
Full Name | Create Offers |
Deterministic | YES |
Status | ACTIVE |
Supports Transitional Documents | NO |
Supports Single Execution | YES |
Replaces | GenerateOffer |
Orphan Rows | None |
Introduced In Version | 2018.2 |
Date of Suspension | - |
Business Logic
The current generation procedure is meant to create template offers from a Deal.
To create an offer, the customer has to be specified. The customer is extracted from the party, selected in the Deal - Deal.Party - and the up to date customer definition of this party in the enterprise company of the offer - Offer.EnterpriseCompany(so Customer.Party = Deal.Party && Customer.EnterpriseCompany == Offer.EnterpriseCompany). If no such customer is found, the generation procedure is stopped and an error is thrown. The error text is:
Party '{Deal.Party.PartyName}' is not defined as customer for enterprise company '{Deal.EnterpriseCompany.Party.PartyName}'.
In order to create an offer the party has to be defined as customer for enterprise company '{Deal.EnterpriseCompany.Party.PartyName}'.
The fields in the Offer’s header are filled as follows:
Offer.DocumentDate = Deal.DocumentDate
Offer.Customer = the determined Customer for the Deal.Party
Offer.DocumentCurrency = Offer.EnterpriseCompany.BaseCurrency
Offer.Deal = Deal
Offer.SalesPerson = Deal.LeadingSalesPerson
Offer.RequiredDeliveryDate = DocumentDate + Customer.DefaultDeliveryTermDays
Offer.PaymentDueDate = DocumentDate + Customer.DefaultPaymentTermDays
Offer.PriceList = Customer.DefaultPriceList
Offer.PaymentType = Customer.DefaultPaymentType
The attributes which are not specified here are filled in as described in Standard Document Attributes
No fulfilments and metrics are used for the current generation procedure. Each time the procedure is started, it creates new sub-document no matter if there are documents already created from previous procedure executions.
The new Offer Line is created as follows:
OfferLine.LineNo = DealLine.LineNo
OfferLine.Product = DealLine.Product
OfferLine.ProductDescription = OfferLine.Product.Name
OfferLine.GuaranteePeriodDays = OfferLine.Product.GuaranteePeriodDays
OfferLine.ProductCode = NULL
OfferLine.ProductPrice = loaded by the 'Determine product price'* method
OfferLine.UnitPrice = loaded by the 'Calculate Unit Price' method
OfferLine.Quantity = DealLine.Quantity
OfferLine.QuantityUnit = DealLine.QuantityUnit
OfferLine.QuantityBase = CONVERT(OfferLine.Quantity, OfferLine.Product.BaseMeasurementCategory.BaseUnit)
OfferLine.StandardQuantityBase = CONVERT(OfferLine.Quantity, OfferLine.Product.BaseMeasurementCategory.BaseUnit)
OfferLine.LineDiscount = loaded by the 'Determine line discount'* method
OfferLine.LineStandardDiscountPercent = if (OfferLine.LineDiscount != null)
, then OfferLine.LineStandardDiscountPercent = OfferLine.LineDiscount.DiscountPercent
, else OfferLine.LineStandardDiscountPercent = 0.00%
OfferLine.LineCustomDiscountPercent = 0.00%
OfferLine.LineAmount = loaded by the 'Determine line amount in sales orders'* method
OfferLine.LineEndCustomerParty = NULL
OfferLine.RequiredDeliveryDate = Offer.RequiredDeliveryDate
OfferLine.DeliveryTermDays = 0
OfferLine.Variant = NULL
OfferLine.ChoiceGroupName = NULL
OfferLine.Notes = DealLine.Notes
OfferLine.IsSelected = true