Table of Contents

Finance.Payments.OrderBalances View

Namespace: Finance.Payments

Represents the payment orders with their covered amounts. Entity: Cash_Payment_Balances_View (Introduced in version

Default Visualization

Default Display Text Format:
{OrderAmountValue}: {PaidAmountValue}
Default Search Members:
Category: Views
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An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit.

Aggregate Tree


Name Type Description
Direction Direction I for Payment issue, R for payment receipt. Required Default("I") Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Direction
DueDate datetime nullable The due date of the payment. null means there is no due date. Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Due_Date
DueStartDate date nullable The date at which the payment becomes executable. null means the payment is executable at all times. Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Due_Start_Date
IsInvoiced boolean When Is_Invoiced = true, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do have a RefInvoiceDocument. If Is_Invoiced = false, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do NOT have a RefInvoiceDocument. Required Filter(multi eq)
OrderAmount Amount (18, 2) The total amount of the payment order. Currency: Currency Required Default(0) Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Total_Amount
PaidAmount Amount (38, 2) The paid amount. Taken from released payment transactions. Currency: Currency Required
RefDocumentDate datetime nullable The date of the original document. null means that it is unknown. Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Date
RefDocumentNo string (20) The number of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. Required Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_No
RefInvoiceDocumentDate datetime nullable The date of the related invoice. null means that the payment order isn't related to any invoice or the date is unknown. Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Date
RefInvoiceDocumentNo string (20) nullable The number of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. null means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice. Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_No


Name Type Description
Currency Currencies The currency of amounts. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Total_Amount_Currency_Id
EnterpriseCompany EnterpriseCompanies The enterprise company which issued the document. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Gen_Documents_Table.Enterprise_Company_Id
LocationParty Parties (nullable) Location or sub-party of the Party_Id in the order. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Location_Party_Id
Party Parties The party which is to pay or receive the amount. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Party_Id
PaymentOrder PaymentOrders The payment order. Required Default(New Guid) Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Payment_Order_Id
RefDocument Documents (nullable) The document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. If this column is filled then Ref_Document_Type_Id, Ref_Document_No and Ref_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified document. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Id
RefDocumentType DocumentTypes The type of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Type_Id
RefInvoiceDocument Documents (nullable) The invoice document which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. null means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice or the invoice isn't present in the database. If this column is filled then Ref_Invoice_Document_
Type_Id, Ref_Invoice_Document_No and Ref_Invoice_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified invoice document. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Id
RefInvoiceDocumentType DocumentTypes (nullable) The document type of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. null means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_<br />Type_Id

Attribute Details


I for Payment issue, R for payment receipt. Required Default("I") Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Direction

Type: Direction
Category: System
Allowed values for the Direction( data attribute
Allowed Values (Finance.Payments.PaymentOrdersRepository.Direction Enum Members)

Value Description
Expense Expense value. Stored as 'I'.
Database Value: 'I'
Model Value: 0
Domain API Value: 'Expense'
Income Income value. Stored as 'R'.
Database Value: 'R'
Model Value: 1
Domain API Value: 'Income'

Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Direction
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: Expense
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The due date of the payment. null means there is no due date. Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Due_Date

Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Due_Date
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The date at which the payment becomes executable. null means the payment is executable at all times. Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Due_Start_Date

Type: date nullable
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Due_Start_Date
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


When Is_Invoiced = true, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do have a RefInvoiceDocument. If Is_Invoiced = false, then in the view results will be included only the Payment Orders which do NOT have a RefInvoiceDocument. Required Filter(multi eq)

Type: boolean
Category: System
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The total amount of the payment order. Currency: Currency Required Default(0) Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Total_Amount

Type: Amount (18, 2)
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Total_Amount
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Default Value: Constant
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The paid amount. Taken from released payment transactions. Currency: Currency Required

Type: Amount (38, 2)
Category: System
Supported Filters: NotFilterable
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The date of the original document. null means that it is unknown. Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Date

Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Date
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: ShownByDefault

Back-End Default Expression:

Front-End Recalc Expressions:


The number of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. Required Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_No

Type: string (20)
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_No
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 20
Show in UI: ShownByDefault

Back-End Default Expression:

Front-End Recalc Expressions:


The date of the related invoice. null means that the payment order isn't related to any invoice or the date is unknown. Filter(eq;ge;le) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Date

Type: datetime nullable
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Date
Supported Filters: Equals, GreaterThanOrLessThan
Supports Order By: False
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault

Back-End Default Expression:

Front-End Recalc Expressions:


The number of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. null means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice. Filter(eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_No

Type: string (20) nullable
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_No
Supported Filters: Equals
Supports Order By: False
Maximum Length: 20
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault

Back-End Default Expression:

Front-End Recalc Expressions:

Reference Details


The currency of amounts. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Total_Amount_Currency_Id

Type: Currencies
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Total_Amount_Currency_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The enterprise company which issued the document. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Gen_Documents_Table.Enterprise_Company_Id

Type: EnterpriseCompanies
Category: System
Inherited From: Gen_Documents_Table.Enterprise_Company_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


Location or sub-party of the Party_Id in the order. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Location_Party_Id

Type: Parties (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Location_Party_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault


The party which is to pay or receive the amount. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Party_Id

Type: Parties
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Party_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The payment order. Required Default(New Guid) Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Payment_Order_Id

Type: PaymentOrders
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Payment_Order_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Default Value: NewGuid
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. If this column is filled then Ref_Document_Type_Id, Ref_Document_No and Ref_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified document. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Id

Type: Documents (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault


The type of the document which has created the payment order and is the basis for the payment. Required Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Type_Id

Type: DocumentTypes
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Document_Type_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: ShownByDefault

Back-End Default Expression:

Front-End Recalc Expressions:


The invoice document which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. null means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice or the invoice isn't present in the database. If this column is filled then Ref_Invoice_Document_Type_Id, Ref_Invoice_Document_No and Ref_Invoice_Document_Date must be equal to the type, number and date of the specified invoice document. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Id

Type: Documents (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault


The document type of the invoice which has created or is related to the payment order and is the basis for the payment. null means that the payment order isn't created or related to any invoice. Filter(multi eq) Inherited from Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Type_Id

Type: DocumentTypes (nullable)
Category: System
Inherited From: Cash_Payment_Orders_Table.Ref_Invoice_Document_Type_Id
Supported Filters: Equals, EqualsIn
Show in UI: HiddenByDefault

Back-End Default Expression:

Front-End Recalc Expressions:


Domain API Query:$top=10

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