R38319 Case - Case Development Info On Parent Change

Code R38319
Entity Projects.Agile.Cases Entity
Name CaseDevelopmentInfoOnParentChange
Attribute Parent
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Record State Inserted, Updated
Priority Early
Modify YES

If the Parent field has been changed
, then create CaseDevelopment records as follows:

  • for the current Case – a new CaseDevelopment where
    DevelopmentType = Edit and Description = "Parent set to case {Parent.Number}" (on insert) or
    Description = "{Parent.DatabaseValue.Number} to case {Parent.Number}" (on update)
  • for the new Parent case (if the new Parent field value differs from null) – a new CaseDevelopment where
    DevelopmentType = Edit and Description = "Added sub case {Case.Number}"
  • for the old Parent case (if the old Parent field value differs from null) – a new CaseDevelopment where
    DevelopmentType = Edit and Description = "Removed sub case {Case.Number}"
Description The rule ensures that the change of the parent case will be tracked by creating new case developments for the old parent, the new parent, and the current case.
Message -
Version Introduced: v.25
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.