R38185 Asset - Unlink Managed Asset
Name | Value |
Code | R38185 |
Entity | Finance.Assets.Assets Entity |
Name | UnlinkManagedAsset |
Attribute | ManagedAsset |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Client Commit |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | YES |
Action | If ManagedAsset.DatabaseValue != NULL AND ManagedAsset.DatabaseValue != ManagedAsset then if ManagedAsset.DatabaseValue().FixedAsset = current.Asset set ManagedAsset.DatabaseValue().FixedAsset = NULL |
Description | When a Managed Asset is removed or replaced in the Fixed Asset definition, the rule removes the current Fixed asset from the Managed asset's definition, indicating that it is no longer currently managed. The rule cancels any linkage between the Fixed asset and its former Managed asset. |
Message | /- |
Introduced | v.25 |
Revocable | NO |