R37920 Case - Project Type Case Category Compatibility

Code R37920
Entity Projects.Agile.Cases Entity
Name ProjectTypeCaseCategoryCompatibility
Attribute Project
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action Validates that:

There is a record in ProjectTypeCaseCategories where ProjectType = Case.Project.ProjectType AND CaseCategory = Case.CaseCategory
Description The rule ensures that the selected project is of a type that allows the chosen case category.
Message The 'Project' field contains an invalid value.

The type of the selected project '{Project.ProjectType.DisplayText}' does not allow the use of category - '{CaseCategory.DisplayText}'.

Please select a valid project and try again.
Version Introduced: v.25
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.