R37610 SalesOrder - Set Discounts Document Amounts
Code | R37610 |
Entity | Crm.Sales.SalesOrderLines Entity |
Name | SetDiscountsDocumentAmounts |
Attribute |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Priority | Early |
Modify | NO |
Applicable Legislations | ALL // no condition needed |
Action | Get all DocumentAmountTypes from the definitions specified in the "Level 1 Discount", "Level 2 Discount", "Level 3 Discount", "Bonus Program", and "Promotional Package" fields. For each distinct value, create new records in DocumentAmounts, but only for those DocumentAmountTypes that do not already have a corresponding record. The new records should have InputAmount = NULL and InputPercent = 100%. |
Description | The rule creates records in DocumentAmounts for all Document Amount Types that are specified in the definitions of the level discounts, the bonus program, and the promotional package, that have been applied to the Sales Order Lines. | This will trigger the calculation of the Discount Level amounts and their recording in the Document Distributed Amounts. Those records can be used for reporting and posting purposes. |
Message |
Version | Introduced: 25
Updated: - |
Revocable | YES |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.