R37469 Case - Set Creation And Change State Time

Code R37469
Entity Projects.Agile.Cases Entity
Name SetCreationAndChangeStateTime
Attribute CreationTimeUtc, ConsiderTimeUTC, ReadyTimeUTC, InProgressTimeUTC, WaitingTimeUTC, ResolvedTimeUTC, ClosedTimeUTC
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Record State Inserted, Updated
Priority Normal
Modify YES
Action On Insert:
If a new Case has been recorded,
, then set: CreationTimeUtc = Now (in UTC)

Оn Update:
If the System State field has been changed
, then set the current time in UTC in the corresponding field: ConsiderTimeUTC, ReadyTimeUTC, InProgressTimeUTC, WaitingTimeUTC, ResolvedTimeUTC or ClosedTimeUTC
Description The rule ensures that when a new case is created, the current time in UTC is set in the CreationTimeUtc field, and after a change in the system state of the case - the current time of this change (in UTC) is recorded in the corresponding field.
Message -
Version Introduced: v.25
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.