R36563 Compilation – Notify On Complеtion

Code R36563
Entity Projects.AI.Compilations Entity
Name NotifyOnComplеtion
Attribute -
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Record State Updated
Priority Late
Modify YES
Action On commit - the rule checks if the CompletionTimeUtc field was initially empty and then a value was filled in.
If the above condition is met, the rule will generate a notification to the user who initiated the compilation, using the Notifications system.
Depending on whether the build is successful or not, a different message will be sent.
Description The rule ensures that the user who initiated the compilation will be notified when the compilation is finished.
Message -
Version Introduced: v.24
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.